5 Books Every Young Entrepreneur Needs to Read

Iyana Edouard
3 min readDec 19, 2016


Image Credit http://media.gettyimages.com

Being a young female entrepreneur comes with it’s several mental and emotional challenges. When I first realized that I eventually wanted to be my own boss I knew I had to start small and today I’m still working my way up. But I’m not able to step the proper steps forward towards my entrepreneurial goals without the right resources.

I’ve always been into reading so it was only appropriate for me to turn to books when I first started this “be my own boss” journey. Now when I have a question of concern related to my personal wellness or business growth I usually look for it in a book.

It’s easy to do a quick online search, scroll through the first page and then zone out but it’s much wiser to read, take notes, and digest as much information as you can. It never hurts to know too much about the industry you want to be in. No matter what your role is knowing a little bit of everything about the type of business you want to get into is the key to success.

Here are just a few suggestion of books that will educate and inspire your young entrepreneurial journey.

Personal Finance In Your 20’s for Dummies

If you don’t know to finance you’re only life it’s probably going to be quite a challenge to finance your business. This book gives you everything you need to know about making sure your bank account is in order and also tips on how to invest wisely.

Don’t Dumb Down Your Greatness: A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Thinking & Being Great

This book is not only the personal story of business owner Anthony Frasier, but also tons of advice specifically targeted for young minority entrepreneurs. It’s honest, informative, and all the information you didn’t even know you needed to know.

Master Strategy Planner: Lessons to Create & Launch Profitable Business Strategies

Each chapter is broken down in the different facets of running a business from organizing, to branding, to building a team. The cover may look girly but this title is really for anyone who is interested in a learning a little bit of everything about being a business owner.

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passions, & Purpose

Written by the founder and CEO of billion dollar company, Zappos Inc, Tony Hsieh gives his raw and real story of building Zappos from the scratch. If you’re feeling uninspired or in a creative rut this is the book to get your hands on.

You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness & Start Living an Awesome Life

You can not start any big project or big decision if you are not completely confident in yourself. This book will not only help you eliminate them but help you understand where they come from and how to change your way of thinking completely. I’ve personally read this book at least three times and every time I learn something new.

In the wise word of Ru Paul “Reading is fundamental!’.



Iyana Edouard

Freelance writer, digital marketing specialist, & content creator. Mother of dragons, which are actually two small dogs.