Financial Freedom Is Closer Than You Think! Here Are The Steps.

Jenn Norton
4 min readMay 4, 2024
Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

Life is expensive. There are so many things pulling from our bank accounts that any hope of changing their situation. The stories are of a similar vein with folks working two jobs, paying for child care, driving expensive cars, eating out too much and trying to live as though everything will be ok. This is a massive error in thinking as there are ways that you can truly live a life that is comfortable in the means that you are given if you are willing to put in the hard work.

I want to share with you some proven methods to get ahold of your finances for good. It won’t be easy, it will take sacrifices but keep your eye on the end result of getting out of debt and having financial freedom. Please understand that everyone’s situation is different, but the steps below will give you some ideas to look at while getting yourself onto the road to financial health. You can look for financial consultants who would be able to look at your situation and see what might be the best route for you. I have outlined a bird’s eye view of the process and there are more to each of these steps, so please seek assistance if you need a coach and cheerleader.

Let’s get into it!

  1. Create a monthly budget. You need to know where your money is going, every penny. This needs to be done monthly as expenses tend to…



Jenn Norton

Living my best life as an eternal optimist. I love being the wife of an amazing guy, the mom to two beautiful girls, a Pastor who urgently helps those in need.