Mountain is not mountain, water is not water

wsb hua
7 min readDec 17, 2021


Daily analysis

Keep a reasonable position

Btc analysis:

I like that people think of me as a fool. It’s much easier to get along with people. I don’t advise anyone to do anything. In fact, everyone is just falsely confused about what they do. The baby is born, and most people don’t know about the baby. For the future, but they all say congratulations! Congratulations! When someone is dead, most people don’t understand the world after death, but say it’s a pity! pity! The mountains you see are not mountains, water is not water, everything is an illusion, just like the rise you saw yesterday is not an increase, but an illusion in the process of falling.

Going back to today’s market, some people think that a falling market means a constant decline. In fact, it is not. A falling market is a trend. In this trend, there are small rebounds and large rebounds, but as long as the downward trend is maintained, this is The same goes for the falling market and the rising market. Once the trend is formed, it is difficult to change. This is a good proof that the bull market lasted for more than a year. Changes in trends are always unknowingly. If most people can find out, will anyone still lose money? The most widely spread saying is to make money in a bull market and lose money in a bear market. Why do you lose money in a bear market? It’s because he didn’t notice the arrival of the bear market in time, and he ended up losing money unknowingly. Yesterday’s big rebound, today ushered in a rise and fall, a typical pull-up set of people cutting leeks. Hua Ge believes that the medium-term trend is still downward, and now whether it is a big rebound or a small rebound, it is a good opportunity for you to lighten up your rallies in batches. It is recommended to stay on the sidelines. The support level is 46500 and the pressure level is 50,000.


eth rebounded fiercely, and the callback was also fierce. Brother Hua expects that it will be more and more difficult to move up again. The wisest way is still to lighten up on rallies. The support level is 3900 and the pressure level is 4120.


Axs rebounded immeasurably yesterday. Today, the exposed nature has risen and fallen. It is expected that there is still a lot of room for decline in the daily break. Hua Ge is not recommended to participate in the operation for a short time. The support level is 95 and the pressure level is 104.


The macd of avax has diverged in one hour, and it is expected that there will be a short-term callback. Hua Ge believes that the double top is formed, and continuing to pull back after the rebound is a normal operation. It is recommended to lighten up the position. The support level is 90 and the support level is 110.


The link is also the hour-level top divergence starting to rise and fall. It is expected that it will bottom out again. Before the bottom is formed, Hua Ge recommends watching more and less moving. The support level is 18.0 and the pressure level is 20.0.


dydx have prompts to fast forward and fast forward, understand now. After running a little slower, he was buried alive, and the overall trend is downward, continuing to be bearish. The support level is 7.6 and the pressure level is 8.6.




Zec is also rising and falling, but it is still above the daily support. If it does not fall below the support, Hua Ge is expected to fluctuate. Hua Ge believes that temporary participation is of little value. The support level is 147 and the pressure level is 167.


During the rally of FTT, the bulls did not increase their volume. Today, they were suppressed by the shorts. Hua believes that the mid-term trend of FTT has gone bad and is expected to continue to adjust for a period of time. It is recommended to maintain a weak position. The support level is 37.5 and the pressure level is 39.5.


Dot formed a bearish trend at the top in one hour, and it is expected that there is still room for a fall. The daily line will fluctuate downward as a whole. Hua Ge suggests to wait and see after lightening up the position. The support level is 25.0 and the pressure level is 28.0.


Uni is also about to eat up yesterday’s gains. The bulls are very weak. Hua Ge is expected to stay above the daily support for the time being. If it falls below the daily support, it will fall sharply. At this time, the risk is very high. Hua Ge recommends Just keep the light warehouse. The support level is 14.0 and the pressure level is 15.5.


Doge has set up another group of people, and the probability of solving the set in a short period of time is not high. The support level is 0.170 and the pressure level is 0.180.

Important note: The trend of Huahua analysis is valid within 24 hours and is suitable for short-term traders. If you can’t insist on reading articles every day, it is easy to miss the operation guidance and cause losses. Buddhist coin holders can ignore the short-term trend and take a year to make money with a high probability.

Daily Coin News

Daily hot news interpretation

The mood of DAO is still not over. ConstitutionDAO allows people to see the charm of meme+DAO. In the temporarily calm market of the new public chain and DeFi, people are targeting the DAO. PEOPLE’s market performance made people start looking for the next similar project, and FreeRossDAO appeared just right. The story of Ross may not have been heard by new players. In short, Ross has contributed to the promotion of Bitcoin. In 2011, Ross, who advocates freedom, created the famous “Silk Road” dark web e-commerce platform. In addition to anonymous purchases of illegal products such as Qiangzhi and Drug, which spread across the entire platform, the “Silk Road” also has a feature that supports Bitcoin transactions. This is the world’s first e-commerce platform that supports Bitcoin transactions, and Bitcoin has only just appeared for a year. Anonymity and illegal transactions made the “Silk Road” famous. Of course, the regulatory authorities categorically did not allow such platforms to exist. In 2013, the founder Ross was arrested. He was subsequently convicted of conspiracy to launder money, computer hacking, drug smuggling and operating a criminal enterprise, requiring life imprisonment in prison, plus an additional 40 years.

However, under the emotional rendering of the DAO, an organization called FreeRossDAO was established. As the name suggests, the purpose of this DAO is to request the release of Ross, and the first thing they did was to take the NFT of Ross. Obviously, FREE is trying to replicate the success of ConstitutionDAO. It can also be seen from the renaming of token that FREE is more spread and has more meme attributes. ConstitutionDAO tells the story of the traditional world and Web3. When the auctioneer representing Web3 and the auctioneer representing traditional capital are in the same frame, all those who donate to the DAO feel that they are a part of themselves, representing that they have also personally participated in the top A world-renowned event in the auction house. The purpose of our donation is to hope that these people can really stand on the stage of Sotheby’s and complete an experiment that is impossible to complete by personal ability. The current FreeRossDAO does not seem to see such emotions, just the Free Ross vision can not allow players to participate in it from the heart, perhaps speculation is now the mainstream of FreeRossDAO.

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Follow the trend and be a follower of the trend

The current market rebounds infinitely, the strength of the rebound is getting smaller every time, and it will continue to fall. Light warehouse is waiting for bottom hunters! This is yesterday’s words, don’t worry, wait patiently for the bottom to appear!

In addition, to prevent loss of contact, I hope you will pay attention to Hua Ge’s Twitter: wsb hua! To avoid risk in the near future, Hua Ge may update on Twitter, crossing the bull and bear, Brother Hua is with you!

(This article only represents the author’s point of view, and does not constitute investment advice, please treat it rationally)



wsb hua

Early preacher of digital currency, professional market analyst, one of the best analysis community in the currency circle!