Sustainable Fashion

f 42
3 min readApr 15, 2024


1. **How does Fast Fashion impact you directly?**
Fast fashion impacts me directly by influencing my purchasing decisions, tempting me with trendy yet cheap clothing options. However, I’ve become more aware of its environmental and social consequences, prompting me to reconsider my consumption habits and opt for more sustainable alternatives.

2. **Which celebrity brands are doing the most to address sustainability? Which ones are greenwashing?**
Celebrity brands like Patagonia and Pact are actively addressing sustainability through their transparent supply chains and eco-friendly materials. Conversely, some celebrity brands may engage in greenwashing by promoting token sustainability efforts without making meaningful changes to their production processes.

3. **What are your thoughts on the viability of the Bio-textiles mentioned in articles and video above?**
The bio-textiles mentioned, such as mushroom leather and lab-grown spider silk, show promise in reducing the fashion industry’s reliance on environmentally harmful materials. However, their scalability, cost-effectiveness, and consumer acceptance will determine their long-term viability as sustainable alternatives.

4. **Choose Three Facts gleaned from this post and comment about your own practices with regard to fast fashion and sustainability.**
— **Fact 3:** Knowing that one cotton t-shirt can take nearly 3,000 liters of water to produce has made me more conscious of the water footprint of my clothing choices. I now prioritize buying clothing made from recycled materials or opting for second-hand options to reduce water waste.
— **Fact 9:** I’ve started choosing quality pieces that will last a long time over cheaper, fast fashion items that quickly go out of style. This shift in mindset has not only reduced my environmental impact but also saved me money in the long run.
— **Fact 12:** Learning about sustainable clothing fabrics like organic cotton and TENCEL has encouraged me to pay more attention to fabric labels when shopping. I now seek out clothing made from these sustainable materials to support ethical and eco-friendly fashion practices.

5. **Include photos from your own sustainable clothing brands, thrift store shopping, dumpster sleuthing outside stores, etc. BE CREATIVE!**
*You would include your own photos here to visually showcase your sustainable fashion practices.*

