I just came back from another dimension or some weird version of hell

2 min readOct 21, 2023

It’s 1:26 am. I just woke up at 1:18am in Texas. I know becaused I looked at my phone first.

I just came from either another dimenson or some weird version of hell where music and art in abstract form blasts your senses while your body is in pain.

The music and color art spoke through it’s weird musical sound and art form as if it was a series of people. I felt as if I was being violated by a series of (creatures/music/art) with their own personalities for the last two hours.

It lasted too long for it to be a dream. Plus, I wanted to get out for at least what must of been an hour or so, but the (dream/hell/landscape) continued.

I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life before. I don’t even want to go back to sleep because it seemed so real. I still feel the pain going throughout my body.

The only thing I had before I went to sleep was some tumeric pills and 1 aleve pill. And I have had this combination of supplement and medication for the last 4 or 5 days or so without any problem, so I don’t believe the supplement/aleve pill was the cause of the incident.

What I just went through makes me question the existence of life after death or other worlds. It was so weird, unexpected, and incoherent.

I’m going to have to go back to sleep sometime this morning because I have 2 two jobs I have to go to tomorrow, but because of what I just experienced I don’t want to.

I’m writing this for the purpose of documentation.

