Kevin Gates said what?…

4 min readJul 13, 2022


When I want insight that is well articulated and credible, I usually scour the works of authors like Robert Greene or Mark Manson. They have been like the Aristotle to my Alexander, dispensing wisdom that helps give me and millions of others an unfair advantage over the uninitiated in the modern world. But I’m not beyond being receptive to wisdom from irregular sources. And the rapper, Kevin Gates, certainly fit’s the definition of “irregular”.

What makes Kevin Gates so irregular? He created his success from talking about his losses. Have you ever heard someone tell you that “you just need to put yourself out there?” Kevin Gates puts it all out there. He “shows his ass” like a dancer at Magic City. Although he is a self-proclaimed introvert, he dispenses with his reserved nature when it comes to making music. His spills his emotions on the track, breaking the codes of masculinity with reckless disregard. But don’t file a tort suite on him. Instead, read these 7 quotes and get you some game.

7.“Be a man of understanding”

You put yourself at a disadvantage if you live a life of imbalance. And being in a reactive stance, makes you as shaky as Jackie Chan in The Druken Master. Instead of being at the effect of someone else’s cause, it would behoove you to try and understand where they are coming from? What is the motivation behind their action?

For example, someone bumps into your shoulder while you are walking in a crowded place. And they, for some reason, don’t think to say “excuse me” or “my bad”. Are you going to turn into “21 Savage” and thug out on them? Or are you going to try to objectively assess the situation, before making a decision that could potentially lead to you needing an emergency appointment at the dentist?

6. “People treat me differently because of my physical appearance. But’s that their ignorance. I’m a beautiful person. I can teach you things that you’ve never known in your life.”

Wait for it…wait for it…..wait for it…. Never judge a book by it’s cover. Narcissistic people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors; see: Donald Trump. Just because some old lady has a hooked-shaped nose with a wart on it, it does not make her a wicked witch, anymore than a clean-cut, square jawed guy in a business suit makes him a fortune 500 CEO.

5. “Business ain’t no place for feelings and feelings ain’t no place for business”

I want to be a paid writer eventually. And part of that goal requires that I work on the craft of writing. So I try to write everyday, even when I don’t feel like it or don’t have the greatest of topics. Why should I have anymore privilege in my occupation than a wielder or construction worker has in his? They have to go to work even if they “don’t feel like it” everyday. Treat your craft in a professional way. Deal with your emotions on your own time.

4. “Don’t let nothing in yo’ past, effect you from moving forward. You can’t do nothing about that shit anyway.”

Self limiting beliefs are a “mofo”. Physical walls are easier to break down than the mental walls that keep people enslaved to the past. Like Marty Mcfly, you need to leave the past and come back to the future. Become a connoisseur of the present.

3. “You get tired of losing, you goin’ learn how to win one day.”

Some people are motivated by fantasies of owning and driving Porsches, living in mansions with marble floors, or having a money-filled vault the size of Wal-Mart like scrooge Mcduck. But most successful people are where they are today because they were prompted by failure. Losing hurts. Know one likes to hurt(except for a masochist). So you do what it takes to not feel so much hurt. Winning hurts less.

2. “I give the utmost respect, but I demand mine. And you don’t have to give it to me. And if you don’t, I’m not going to be confrontational with you. I’m a politely vacate the premises. Let the clown have the circus”

You don’t have to react or even respond to disrespectful people. Sometimes it’s best to just get away from them. Leave negative family, friends, coworkers, and environments alone. Don’t get caught up in someone else’s soap opera.

1. “People like, ‘why you always wear that raggedy hat?’ Because it’s my favorite hat. I don’t care if people don’t like it”

Being yourself is about living out your values. Some of the things you value may not be valued by others. So what? If you value it, that’s all that matters.

Stay up, stay solid


