So this is what’s wrong with young men today…

3 min readJul 29, 2022


Image by Sam Williams from Pixabay

Young men are fucked up. But it’s not because they are not following the advice of the young man in this video, it’s because they are following the advice of the young man in this video.

Obsessing over your level of masculinity is an exercise in worthless neuroticism. If you feel that you need to do all these things to be a man- “be on your purpose”, “no-fap”, “alpha male posturing”- then you are telling yourself that you are not good enough as you are. And as such, you are actually moving toward the dreaded “feminine”.

In the same way that women put on make up, cosmetically enhance their bodies, and binge on fashion accessories to externally validate themselves, you are doing the same thing by investing your energy and emotions into the outcomes of “Masculine” behaviors.

If this is the case, what is going to happen to your male identity when you get old and you lose your muscle mass? Are you going to pump your body full of synthetic testosterone like Sylvester Stallone so that you can look like a small monster?

If your invested in your purpose, what will happen to your masculine identity if sickness befalls you and leaves you on a bed ridden hiatus? Will you find some uncanny way to use telekinesis like Professor X to achieve your goals?

And if your masculine Identity is dependent on your ability to dominate women, what happens if you get a female supervisor who gives you an order? Are you going to ignore her instructions and do what you want to do up until security comes to escort you from the premises?

Why are you outsourcing your definition of what’s masculine to someone outside yourself? A man chooses his own definition of himself. A man validates himself.

Here is a practical approach to self validation. If you like playing video games, keep playing video games. Don’t stop because some random dude on YouTube says that playing video games makes you weak.

If you like watching porn, keep watching porn. Don’t stop watching porn because some guy made you believe that you are losing your masculine energy by watching a Megan The Stallion twerk session. Being aroused by female bodies is one of the heights of masculinity; it actually boosts testosterone.

If you don’t have a “purpose” or you lack “drive”, it’s probably because you think that purpose and drive are tied up in becoming successful by society’s standards. The yogi in the mountains of India, does nothing, and yet he is complete. Just do what comes natural to you. And from there, explore the possibilities of what you could be, based on your natural inclinations; See: “Mastery” by Robert Greene.


You are actually Okay. The only feminine thing you should be concerned about is your tendency to look outside your self for your sense of “rightness” or “wrongness”. You can start on the path to true masculinity by “doing you”.

Stay up, stay solid


