WOW Classic Shaman PVP Guide — Warlock and Shaman

You Cool
5 min readSep 10, 2019


In the previous article, U4gm details Shaman’s battle with Prist, Rogue and Warrior in PVP. Today we will continue to introduce Shaman’s battle with Warlock and Shaman.

Warlocks are an ugly fight. They have a lot of ways of controlling the fight. Through fear, death coil, and their magic eating Felhunter, the fight can be very short with you visiting the spirit healer, or it can be well timed and maybe, if things work out, the warlock will have to use his soulstone.

Remember that if you drop a warlock they are going to wait for you to turn your back before they use their Soulstone, so be careful. With warlocks, your best bet is to use grounding totem, tremor totem, and searing totem whenever you can. You need to get up in the warlock’s space. You need to melee him as much as you can. An enhancement shaman is going to hope for a nice windfury proc, and then he might win.

If you are Restoration, and the warlock doesn’t have his Felhunter out, make sure you keep up earth shield. The pet hitting you will keep you sitting pretty good. Throwing low rankings of your water totems might buy you some extra time as the warlock goes to kill them.

Warlocks are a tricky fight. If you get a chance, keep yourself healed because deathcoil will be used by warlocks either when you are low on life, or they are low on life. Death coil will give the warlock 500+ life back and steal it from you, while it also sends you running horrified. Your tremor totem doesn’t fix horror effects. Warlock fights are one of the hardest to master. They have a lot of ways to keep you under control, and that that makes it hard for you to do anything to them. Just keep at it.

Shaman versus another shaman. this is going to be an interesting one. You need to use your totems with great timing, and take down their totems down so they don’t hinder you. Do not purge water shield, it is not worth your mana to stop them from gaining a little bit, otherwise they will keep using it, and you will run out of mana from pruging them. Also, grounding totem will absorb purge. This means be careful that you are not wasting mana purging when they have a grounding totem down, and you can hope they purge you when you have a grounding totem down. If you are an elemental shaman, take out their totems with a simple marco I call Totem killer:
#show tooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast Lightning Bolt (Rank 1)

It is that simple. Keep this on a bar when fighting another shaman, it will cast a rank 1 lightning bolt, and if a grounding totem is down, it will absorb the bolt and die. Other shamans can use this also, but elemental shamans benefit from faster cast time and less mana to cast it. Searing totems can also take out grounding totems. Always purge nature’s swiftness and/or elemental mastery if you see it up on your opponent.

Here are some tips for your type of shaman versus their type:
Enhancement Vs Restoration: Get up in his face. Earth shock any heal you can. Conserve your mana. Use a two-handed weapon with windfury. Try and purge nature’s swiftness the moment it is up, or you will see an instant super heal. The restoration shaman is going to try and burn you down with spells and kite you. Use grounding totem to keep them in melee range. Also, use searing totem to slow down their casting. Make sure you Purge Earth Sheild or your hits are going to be healing them.

Enhancement Vs Elemental: Earth shock as many spells as you can. Keep him in melee range with grounding totem. Keep all his buffs purged. Straight melee him, save your casting for earth shock, heal only if you have to.

Enhancement Vs Enhancement: Try to play yourself off as Elemental at first. Keep him kited with frost shock and grounding totem until he is at 50% life. Switch to your best dual-wielding combo, and go at him with stormstrike hoping for a windfury proc. This can kill him before he knows what happened. This fight will come down to equipment a lot of times if you go straight melee. If you know you have better equipment, go that route.

Elemental Vs Enhancement: You are going to kite the other shaman around using frost shock and earthbind totem. Keep him at a distance and throw lightning bolts when you can. Always have a grounding totem down when you go to heal. This is a kite and nuke fight.

Elemental Vs Restoration: This battle is all about timing. Earth shock his heals and lightning bolts. Keep a searing totem down to do steady damage and slow down casting. This fight comes down to who can manage their mana better, along with timing their earth shock to counter the other person’s spells. I would recommend a staff with windfury in melee range for added damage when you get silenced.

Elemental Vs Elemental: This is a quick and simple fight. Earth shock his lightning bolts. Keep Elemental mastery purged. Keep searing totem up for added damage and lengthening spell cast time.

Restoration Vs Elemental: As a restoration shaman, you should have focused more on mana per 5 second (Mp5) gear, and he will have focused on a large mana pool. Keep him casting to run his mana out, and keep earth shocking as many lightning bolts as you can. Make sure you have a grounding totem down before you cast a heal. Purge his elemental mastery when it comes up. Melee him with a staff with windfury on it. This fight is about getting him to run out of mana.

Restoration Vs Enhancement: Stay out of melee range. You should never, if you can help it, get into melee range. The enhancement shaman will eat you alive. Kite the other shaman around with frost shock and earthbinding totems. Use nature’s swiftness with a heal when you get low on life. Try to stay above 50% because the last thing you want is to pause to cast a heal when they shock you down to 35% life and they run up and get a crazy windfury stormstrike combo on you. Also make sure you keep Earth Shield up threw the fight.

Restoration Vs Restoration: This is a long one. Endurance and mana use is important. Use water shield; hopefully they will waste the mana to keep purging it. Otherwise they will hit it and give you mana back. Don’t purge their water shield. I recommend you have a staff with windfury on it to add to your damage. Earth shock their heals and if you can, purge their nature’s swiftness. Also, throw lightning bolt rank one at their mana tide totem when you see it come up.

The Shaman 1 VS 1 PVP guide is here. If you need Gold, go to U4gm, where you will sell a lot of WOW Classic Gold North America.

For more details, please click on the WOW Classic Career Guide.

