4 min readJul 5, 2016

Fiji Sun

Rabuka’s interview

Fulori Turaga, Suva

I thought Rabuka’s interview on FBC’s ‘4 the Record’ programme Sunday night was very interesting. He looked rather cool, calm and collected all throughout the show. But for a moment there, I thought he was in a court room.

Freedom of speech

Amenatave Yaconisau, Delainavesi

Sitivesi Rabuka’s crucifixion and rejection continues in this column despite the request to leave the man alone and to cease the persecution.

Since when is a coup and all the ‘bad’ qualities associated with it become a virtue?

Maybe after a democratic election it becomes virtuous. In a democracy like ours we deal with our opponents during elections. There is just so much bitterness and hatred that intimidates people in a very primitive manner.

If apologist writers have different beliefs from someone, all they have to do is to dissociate from him on grounds of incompatibility of belief, instead of stoning him like they did in the ‘night of the long knives’ against Hitler.

While we want to preserve the greatest degree of freedom of expression, we also have to protect our society from interest that can disturb peaceful co-existence, ones that provoke a clear and present danger test.

Government loans

Sukha Singh, Labasa

Could somebody explain how many years will it take for the Fijian Government to pay off all its loans and stop increasing taxes on everything every year?

Positive Government works

Tukai Lagonilakeba, Nadi

NFP Parliamentary leader Biman Prasad is, as usual, very critical of our progressive and realistic 2016–2017 National Budget.

I personally feel he seems to think that he is the only one most qualified in the country who can set and construct a budget that is flawless and we hear his rhetoric’s every year, but the country moves on and progresses.

His call is below the belt and is disrespectful and belittles the professionalism of so many other economists employed by Government either as consultants or as public servants in our Government’s many respective statutory departments who all rightfully contribute to the Minister for Economy’s yearly budget.

Those very appreciative world governing banking institution like the World Bank, International Monitory Fund [IMF] and the Asian Development Bank [ADB] have put their hands up in support and do agree with our national budget. In this institution, they also employ many highly qualified and respected economic world authorities.

A key factor — these institutions will only provide loans or grants to any government if they agree with a country’s leadership, economic indicators, positive foreign reserves outlooks derived from exports, tourism and remittance, government’s offshore bonds investments together with our compliance in terms of good governance, accountability and their trust in our ability to repay.

Senseless murder

Dr Sushil Sharma, Lautoka

It brings about a chill up one’s spine, when we think of the murdered Russian couple, in what is known as the tropical paradise of the Pacific.

The Fijian Government cannot sit idle. It needs to repair the damage that this may cause Fiji, as these types of incidents — though rare in Fiji — get publicised internationally and gives a bad reputation of our country, as a not-so-safe tourism destination.

The Fijian Government needs to do all it can to deal with matters at the highest diplomatic, levels, pay fares and bring to Fiji the couple’s immediate relatives — and after a thorough investigation, help with the repatriation of their remains in a dignified manner to Russia.

Police need to ascertain in a speedy manner if the elements behind this horrific and gruesome murder is the work of off-shore elements — like those who the couple may have been connected with in one way or another — or from local criminals, after a few bucks.

The fact that the car and passports and some clothing were left untouched, may mean that this was no petty theft and it is possible that Fijians were not involved — but it was the work of some organised Russian elements, to which the couple may have owed money.

It has been reported that the couple were in dire financial trouble, after the recent tropical cyclone in Fiji that had wiped out their entire crop and business in the highlands.

Whatever the case our heartfelt and sincere sympathy and condolences to both Yuri Shipulin and his wife Natalia’s friends and relatives, both here in Fiji and back home in Russia.

Fijians today are shamed and show their utmost disgust and rebuke for this senseless waste of two lovely lives.

May God give their families comfort at this time of great sorrow and pain, when words cannot do any justice to them, nor soften their hurt and suffering.


Wise Muavono, Lautoka

After the Government takes enough to balance the budget, the taxpayer has the job of budgeting the balance.


Originally published at on July 5, 2016.