Prevent Your Organisation from Becoming Obsolete! Learn How to Adopt Blockchain at World Satoshi Summit 2018

World Satoshi Summit
3 min readMar 28, 2018

In the year 1981, one of the largest retailers of Kodak consulted with the head of market intelligence of the American photography giant about the future impact of digital photography. After extensive research, Kodak realised that it has about ten years to catch up to the emerging digital photography revolution.

While the study was accurate, the only issue was that the global giant did little to prepare for the forthcoming revolution during the window of opportunity. Rest is history!

Kodak was crushed by its Japanese counterparts and failed to adapt to the change in the tech landscape.

There’s a lot to be learnt from the bankruptcy of a company that was once the symbol of American-industrial revolution. After every few decades, humanity witnesses the rise of a technology that redefines the way we live and do business with each other. Presently, we’re in the midst of another uprising that is set to transform our lives radically.

Several years into the innovation of Blockchain we are now expecting the full potential of the technology to hit different sectors and industries. The belief that Blockchain will become as ubiquitous as the internet or smartphones permeates the current tech scenario.

Attend World Satoshi Summit ’18 and take your company to meteoric heights by embracing the next industrial revolution

To ensure that your business doesn’t run out of fuel, the need of the hour for organisations is rewiring and streamlining of organisational processes with the deployment of Blockchain technology.

World Satoshi Summit, South Asia’s largest Blockchain conference, aims to help corporations and other stakeholders of the tech community by disseminating the significance and practical applications of the Distributed Ledger Technology through workshops, keynotes, sessions, networking events, and unique initiatives like Nova-Stride and Women Economic Empowerment.

The first chapter of the conference is organised at the epicentre of the world’s sixth largest economy, in the capital city of Delhi over the course of two days on May 12 & May 13, 2018 at JW Marriott Hotel.

It will bring together 3500+ global attendees to ideate and innovate around Blockchain tech. 100+ global organisations like yours will make their presence felt at the to-be-historic event.

Key takeaways for Corporations at World Satoshi Summit ’18 are as follows:

  • Exclusive Blockchain in Enterprises sessions for organisations to assess the need for Blockchain deployment in their enterprises for efficiency gains
  • A comprehensive Blockchain Primer.
  • Write Your First Smart Contract session for Developers
  • Interact with worldwide global counterparts and exchange ideas
  • Get insights on the impact of Blockchain on your industry and learn practical use-cases
  • Hear from world’s best speakers and global influencers like Roger Ver, Sally Eaves, Devie Mohan, Richard Kastelein, and more
  • Meet potential clientele, explore business opportunities and synergies with global organisations
  • Access to CEOs, MNCs, SMEs, PSUs, startups
  • Exhibit to a global audience

Vitalik Buterin, the Russian-Canadian programmer who co-founded one of the best known Blockchain-based Operating Systems Ethereum, was quoted as saying,

“Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated.”

The radical shift in tech landscape driven by Blockchain will lead to the emergence of new business models and innovative ways of doing business. Early adoption will be a deciding factor in the fate of organisations.

If you are determined to be a part of this revolution check out our detailed Agenda and Speaker line-up here.



World Satoshi Summit

Our purpose is to bring all the entrepreneurs, blockchain enthusiasts, blockchain developers and influencers under one roof for a seamless exchange of ideas.