6.5 reasons to work with us

Josh Lee
2 min readSep 4, 2014

We are in stealth mode but eagerly backed by smart VC’s and a powerful team from companies like…

Do you love making things? Solving hard problems? Thinking hard about hard things in hard ways and giving hard answers?

Have I got the place for you.

Working here will be the last place you ever work because we:

1. We have snacks/exercise/drunk days

Beef jerky, tender grapes and coconut water is da best. Our employees have masters degrees in weird bending workouts that allow you to finally see the backside of your thighs. Also it is a little known fact that we like to “drink”. Beer (p/b)ong anyone?

2. Our office is the shit

We are located downtown by that cool place that everyone hangs out at (and gets a little too drunk at). Also we are right next to all the public transportation stations which feels a bit like Futurama.

3. Dress code

We have a relaxed dress code which fosters a creative and collaborative environment where employees can work and play while pursuing and achieving their personal and professional goals. Also the employees we have working here are really cool.

4. Employee growth hacking

Learning is mandatory and funky at the same time. Need we say more?

5. Flatritocracy

Working here means you are surrounded by the best people in the business, we’re passionate about the projects we are working on. Arranged as a flat, agile multi disciplinary and collaborative teams, working with the most advanced tools and methodologies. We have an amazing opportunity to reinvent our industry and redefine the future of things.

6. Compensation

We don’t muddy up the waters with needless buzzwords and wafflery. We pay you the smallest amount we can so we can show more profit. That’s what healthy teams do anyways and we think we are the healthiest (cause we do yoga).

.5. We have an animal in the office

We have a dogcatbeaversnakechipmunk thing that comes in and out of the office every once and awhile so we named it (haven’t had time to sex it) “Garbage Juice” or “Badge” for short. We love it, you will too. Sidenote, “Badge” sometimes will shit under your desk, it is expected that you clean this up quickly or else “Badge” will start rolling in it.

There you go, 6.5 reasons to work with us. If you would like to join us you can email us.


