The WU Trail

3 min readAug 23, 2022


Like all ventures, you need a roadmap lest you wander astray. For this project, that is the WU Trail.

Each phase towards the peak is sequenced in intervals, we’re not promising any timeframes as we want to ensure quality of the project, its community and partners. Of course, the climb will not end there, as we will continue building and expanding until we see it all.


1. Branding + Creative + Design

  • The entire brand design starts off with the logo, passes, website look and feel. This will carry through on all digital assets including sales and marketing push.

2. WU Clan Leaders

  • 5 Clans based on categories.
  • 50 Clan leaders’ selection process.
  • Clan leaders’ approach, commitments, and finalizations.

3. Marketing + Partnerships + Projects (Evergreen)

  • Reach out to existing partners under the team for collaborations, solutions, and possible utilities.
  • Web2 brand partnerships development, as each brand is unique, the approach will be designed specifically focusing on the spread of community.
  • Web3 partnerships with selected projects to further develop the foundation and strengths of the community.
  • Clan leaders’ approach, commitments, and finalizations.


Always building!

1. Populate the Clan

  • Build the community — 450 clan members.
  • Pre-selection phase of clan members.
  • Selection phase of clan members.

2. Clearing the Path

  • Social Handles launch.
  • Website launch.
  • Clan member registrations.
  • Clan members digital campaign.
  • Discord launch.

3. Leading the Way

  • Clan development — education, workshops + more.
  • Clan Mint — 500 Passes (50 Clan Leader Passes).
  • Clan works — Web2 business commissioning system.
  • Web2 + Web3 Partners introduction & benefits.


Wen we get there!

1. WU the World

  • IRL Event Meet.
  • “WU For a Cause” Kickstarts.
  • “WU World” Kickstarts.

2. The Climb

  • WU Business Sourcing.
  • WU Commissions Launch.
  • WU Benefits Drivers.

3. Go Higher

  • 500 more? This will depend on overall community vote.
  • WU Launch — WU for a Cause.
  • WU World Launch.

Now that you’ve captured the gist of it, you’ll be ready for an even deeper dive into the WU Trail in our next article — WU for Dummies!

This WU Guide will draw out the intimate details of our roadmap, complete with all the answers you’ve been seeking. Stay tuned for upcoming updates, as this project is ever-growing and constantly in motion to accomplish much more.




WU stands for World Utility, a decentralized brand built through its community to create mainstream values and opportunities in real life & uniting Web3 ideals.