Hot pot…delivered!

Wu Chow Travels
3 min readJul 12, 2016


One of the things I enjoy most about living in Beijing is the ease and efficiency of ordering things. Almost anything and everything can be ordered via your mobile through apps such as Taobao and JD. Often times the delivery man will show up at your door the next morning with what you ordered the day before.

This ease of ordering is also true with food! Long before I learned to use other Chinese apps, I of course mastered the apps for ordering food for delivery. This is what happens when you’re home all day and need an afternoon snack, but are too lazy to walk outside to get anything (I blame the air pollution, plus selections online are endless!)

On our list of places to eat in Beijing has been an all-you-can eat hot pot chain called HaiDiLao (海底捞). Our friend told us recently that you can actually order the hot pot for delivery, so we decided to give it a try. It was amazing!

For an all inclusive 115 RMB (or $17.50!), the delivery man punctually delivered the box below, which comes with everything.

Inside there is a small hot pot, along with hot pot ingredients including meats (plus spam), veggies, noodles, soup, and a variety of sauces, plus fruit to finish the meal.

Also comes with placemats, table cloth, bibs, and a burner.

And because they’ve thought of everything, they also include a febreeze-like spray for your clothes, lens wipes, stain remover, hair tie things, toothpicks and mints. Hot pot can be a messy and smelly affair.

Checking out the soup bases….we got tomato.

Waiting for it to heat up….

Ta da! Hot pot ready to be consumed.

Satisfied customer below. There are hardly any pics of Jamie…sorry I think I was too busy and excited to document.

Now if only they had something like this in the US…

