The $WUF Pack’s NFT Community Airdrop

3 min readFeb 6, 2024


We’re barking with joy to see the $WUF Pack growing by the day! Your incredible response has been overwhelming, with thousands of new members and numerous projects ready to integrate $WUF into their gaming and community platforms. It’s clear that everyone is excited to fetch new possibilities and adventures with WUFFI.

NFT Airdrop: A New Way to Reward The Pack

Get set for a treat on February 23rd, at 4 pm PST. We’re setting out to reward 5% of the $WUF token supply to those in the $WUF Pack who hold NFTs from the top 20 collections* on WAX. This airdrop is our way of mixing up the fun, giving a nod to the NFT scene on the WAX Blockchain, and saying ‘thanks’ to those who are as passionate about digital collectibles as they are about WUFFI. Rewards scale with your NFT count in these collections!

Those in the $WUF Pack who hold NFTs from the top 20 WAX collections* by 7-day volume at the exact time of our February 23rd snapshot in their wallet will be eligible for this $WUF NFT Community Airdrop.

Live Leaderboard on WAXMarketcap (starts February 16th @ 4 PM PST):

Example: Suppose ‘Collection A’ ranks #14 by 7-day volume on the leaderboard at snapshot time. If ‘Collection A’ has 1 million NFTs, each NFT is worth 250,000 WUF tokens from the allocated 250 billion. Owning 1 NFT nets you 250,000 WUF, while 10 NFTs equal 2.5 million WUF, etc.

*Please note, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to disqualify any collection involved in blatant market manipulation. Additionally, please note that Farmers World and Alien Worlds are not eligible for the Top 20, and all Funko collections will be combined into a single collection, resulting in Funko holding a maximum of 1 slot in the Top 20. Also, note that (.dp) wallets are not eligible.

Expanding Beyond WAX: Solana’s Turn Coming Up

While our current focus is on the WAX blockchain, excitement is brewing for our next move with Solana. We’re in the process of finalizing the details for Solana’s plan, aiming to broaden the reach of the $WUF Pack across multiple blockchains. To make this a reality, WUFFI will be leveraging WAX’s multi-chain bridge, enabling a seamless expansion to other networks like Solana.

The future for the $WUF Pack is truly multi-chain, bringing more opportunities and connections across Web3.

A Series of Snapshots: Building $WUF Pack

Remember; our mission to expand the $WUF Pack takes us through a series of snapshots, each offering unique access points to our community. We began with the first snapshot for WAXP holders, a resounding success. Now, we’re on to our second snapshot, focusing on NFT collectors from the top 20 WAX collections. This is just the beginning; we have more inclusive plans ahead to ensure everyone can join the $WUF Pack.

Building a Community Beyond Just Tokens

With this $WUF NFT Community airdrop, we’re strengthening the bonds within our pack. Aligning with prominent NFT collections and their strong communities on WAX, we’re fostering an environment where collaboration, support, and shared growth are at the forefront. It’s an exciting time to be part of the $WUF Pack.

Join the WUFFI Discord Server!

Keep Your Tails Wagging for Updates

For the latest updates and all the details about the airdrop, keep your eyes on @wuffi_inu. We’re excited to have you with us as we take this exciting step together, proving that the $WUF Pack is truly a breed apart in the world of crypto and NFTs.

Join the WUF Pack

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UPDATE: The snapshot has been taken! Here’s the TOP20:

  1. Funko
  2. Dungeon Items
  3. Spinnia World
  4. KOGs
  5. Taco
  6. Realm
  7. Machiavellic
  8. NFT Battle Miners
  9. Warsaken
  10. Skunky Chunks
  11. Dark country Heroes
  12. R-Planet
  13. Outlaw Troopers
  14. WAX Ape Rave Club
  15. Green Rabbit (Nanotopia)
  16. Topps Series 1 Baseball
  17. R.Land
  18. Music Mogul
  19. Brawlers
  20. Castles NFT

Thanks to everyone for participating!




WUF - Next-gen meme & cross-chain coin on WAX and Solana . Bark Loud, Bark Proud! 🦴 (