Prosperous times and peaceful blessings

2 min readJul 23, 2023

Fu culture is the oldest traditional culture in China. What is’ fu ‘? In abstract terms,’ fu ‘is the most desired and tirelessly pursued by people — — -

The traditional Chinese character ‘clothing and food are blessings’ has a history of thousands of years. It is one of the oldest Chinese characters with many changes in form. In terms of hieroglyphics, whether it is based on the theory of offering wine to the heavens or seeking the’ five blessings’, the main purpose of our ancestors’ initial prayer consciousness thousands of years ago was still for ‘clothing and food’. Until today, the vast majority of people still regard “food and clothing” as the main purpose of happiness. ‘Food and clothing’ represents the ‘material level’, ‘material’ is the ‘premise’ of ‘happiness’,’ food is the top priority for the people ‘,’ poverty is not socialism ‘, and’ economic construction is the center ‘all emphasize that’ food and clothing are blessings’.

The phrase ‘peace is blessings’ originated from the phrase’ peace is blessings’ in Zhuangzi, which dates back over two thousand years. What led the ancients to develop the concept of ‘peace is blessings’? It should be natural disasters and wars. ‘Peace’ is a ‘state’ that people desire for a peaceful and stable survival process. Without peace, there is nothing. Peace is the “basic guarantee” of “happiness”. What we refer to as “long life for a hundred years”, “peaceful old age”, “health is a blessing”, “safety first”, and “creating a safe city” are all reflections of praying for “peace”.

Harmony is a blessing “. People who possess” food, clothing, “material possessions, and a” peaceful “state may not necessarily feel happy. The highest pursuit of happiness by humans is the spiritual pursuit, which means” harmony is a blessing “. The “harmony” culture, a great achievement of traditional Chinese culture, has played an important role in the development history of the Chinese nation. Harmony is a blessing, starting from the creation of a harmonious society. And covers aspects such as humility, kindness, obedience, harmony, beauty, and harmony, and the pursuit of happiness can be found in any word. Harmony “represents the” spiritual level “, and” harmony is happiness “is a spiritual feeling of happiness for people. Of course, people have different thoughts and pursuits, and their feelings of happiness are also different. However, the spiritual concept of blessings covered by the “harmony culture” represented by “harmony” can meet the views of the vast majority of people on blessings — — -

Happiness is a comprehensive pursuit of material, spiritual, and safe and healthy conditions, or a pursuit of one or both aspects, based on one’s own desires.




Fu, Lu, Shou, Xi, Cai, the five blessings come with you.