Read it if you are wuirdo

3 min readJan 9, 2024


WTF are Wuirdos (briefly)

To say briefly we are a group of wuirdos, as well as u are. So far, we released 11 Wuird Council Bitcoin tokens and 4321 Wuirdos on Mainnet, each accompanied by a license agreement linked to a contract address & token ID.

Licensing based on the token ID

Wuirdos take a unique approach to NFTs, breaking away from the usual norms. They’re pioneers, introducing a novel concept: licensing for individual token IDs. Here’s the twist — the combination of token IDs and contract addresses acts as the defining hash signature in these licensing agreements.

What sets these IDs apart is their significant role in confirming the authenticity of the artwork. In the world of Wuirdos, the token ID within the license agreement isn’t just a digital stamp; it’s a direct link to the blockchain, providing undeniable proof of the artwork’s legitimacy and ownership.

Here’s the process: after minting, each token ID’s license takes effect, legally solidifying the rights associated with each Wuirdo. Curious about how this system works? Take a look at a sample license here. This sample gives you a glimpse into how these token IDs (hash signatures) function within the licensing framework, highlighting the strength and innovation behind Wuirdos’ approach to confirming ownership and authenticity.

How and WEN can I access my license?

Immediately after mint!


  1. Go on
  2. Scroll down till you see “License ” section

3. Paste your Token ID

4. Click “Get License”

You are all set!

Origins (skip if you are lazy wuirdo)

It all kicked off back in October 2023 when H20 sent me a sample of a Wuirdo. My initial reaction? “Now that’s some weird art.” Yet, he suggested, “Let’s launch it on X and gauge the reception.” So, we took the plunge.

As you can see, it barely caught anyone’s attention. We persisted, dropping sneak peeks and promoting it across various NFT’s & Ordinal’s communities, yet encountered silence.

Until that moment when I proposed, “Let’s push Wuirdos by making the art more detailed.” And that’s precisely what we did:

One of the main characteristics of wuirdos are glasses. Crafted over 50 sick glasses styles, decking each Wuirdo with its own pair.

Why is it cool to have license?

For passionate NFT enthusiasts like us:

  1. Usage Clarity: Clear, defined rules eliminate any uncertainty about displaying or utilizing the artwork.
  2. Authenticity and Esteem: Delving deep into the artwork’s narrative and ownership roots, cementing its genuine presence in your collection.
  3. Safeguarding Investments: Explicitly outlining your rights ensures protection for your investment, particularly crucial if the artwork’s value skyrockets.
  4. Versatility in Trading: Empowering you with the rights to sell or showcase your piece contributes to sustaining and potentially amplifying its value.
  5. Legal Security: In the event of disputes concerning ownership or usage, the license acts as concrete proof, fortifying your credibility and safeguarding your position.

As passionate supporters of NFTs, a license serves as the ultimate validation, affirming the authenticity and ownership of the artwork. It’s all about maintaining its legitimacy within your community!

Always yours,


