wulan istifarrosa
10 min readNov 28, 2021



“This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by, for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Jago is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Jago.”


Now, in digital era, everything seems to be easy and fast. One of them is financial services. Now everyone can transact easily anytime and anywhere they want. Only through their laptops or cellphones, they can save money, transact, and ect.

On the other hand, until now the desire of people to make wills and insurance is still very low. One reason is because they are afraid to think about death and the future. In addition, these two products are still not widely circulated online, so the manufacturing process becomes quite complicated.

Based on that problems, what if financial services provide features that can help customers to plan their finances in the future through online facilities? What if financial services can provide a fun feature of wills and also provide safety for customers? Through this case study, the author and the team tried to solve the problems by designing feature related to these problems.


In making the design of this application, there are several things that became objective for me:

  1. Knowing the needs of the user related to the last desire in his life.
  2. Measuring the usefulness of the Bank Jago application the Last Wish feature in fulfil the needs of its users
  3. Knowing the level of user satisfaction in using the Bank Jago application, the Last Wish feature
  4. Knowing the level of user convenience in the Bank Jago application, the Last Wish feature using SEQ
  5. Measuring the Usability value of the last wish feature bank application using the System Usability Scale (SUS)
  6. Looking for feedback from users after using the Bank Jago application Last Wish Feature

Design Thinking Method

In this Case Study, an approach or method called Design Thinking is used.

Design thinking is a process or method of thinking to empathize with human-centered problems and problems.

Below will be explained the five stages of design thinking applied by the author in the Case Study design of the last wish feature on the Bank Jago application.

1. Define Stage

This stage is the stage where the writer begins to define the problem after collecting all the information from each other. This stage is divided into two parts, namely pain poins and how-might we.

  • Pain Poins

As an early stage, the author and the team held a zoom meeting to collect pain points in making insurance, wills and saving. The following is the result of collecting the pain points:

According to the pain points, most of user feel that they don’t like to make wills and insurance because of fear, the difficulties of procedure and the lack of funds.

  • How-Might We

Then from the pain points that have been made, the author and the team carried out a how-might we process to provoke ideas to solve the problems that had occurred. There are four proposed how-might we.

How Might We

According to the proposed how might we, most of our team decided to focus on how to celebrate our life instead of thinking about death but also at the same time prepare for the future without feeling worried.

2. Ideate Stage

At this stage, the process of generating solution ideas is carried out to overcome various problems that have been defined previously. There are three parts carried out at this stage, namely solution ideas, affinity diagrams, prioritization ideas and Crazy 8's.

  • Solution Idea

From this process we wrote our ideas through selected how-might we (In this case was focus to celebrate our life but still preparing our future).

Solution Idea
  • Affinity Diagram

The previously collected ideas can now be grouped into their respective focuses using affinity diagrams. From the affinity diagram, ideas are grouped into 5 types, namely:

  1. Gamification
  2. Administration
  3. Security
  4. Support
  5. Preference
Affinity Diagram 1.0
Affinity Diagram 2.0
  • Prioritization

Then the process of sorting the solution of ideas based on their priority is carried out starting from do it now, do next, later and do last. This sorting is done by considering the user value and also the effort required to create the solution.

Prioritization Do It Now
Prioritization Do Next
Prioritization Do Last
Prioritization Do Later
  • Crazy 8's

Then the writer proceeds to Crazy 8’s stage. In this process the author describes 8 wireframe designs based on the proposed solutions that we have made. Then after completion, a voting process is carried out to determine the design that will be used later.

Crazy 8’s made by writer

3. Prototype Stage

  • User Flow & Scenario

The prototyping process has actually started from this stage. Based on quotes from the internet, it is explained that user flow is steps that have been visualized and can be followed by users through the application to complete one or several given tasks. In this case study, the author determines 5 tasks that can be passed by the user when using last wish feature.

User Flow Aset Impian
User Flow Wasiat Aset
User Flow Wasiat Surat
User Flow Pembuatan Asuransi
User Flow Klaim Last Wish
  • Wireframe (Low Fidelity)

After determining the user flow that can be passed by the user and the solution of the selected problem, the author proceeds to the next stage, namely making a wireframe design using the Figma application. The frame size used is 375 x 812. This is an example of wirefame that have been made:

Wireframe Wish List

However, in its application to the Mockup UI there are slight changes and improvisations because the author feels that the design made is a little less good.

  • Mockup UI Design (High Fidelity)

In this section, the UI mockup design process is carried out based on the previously created wireframe. There are several core designs that the user will go through when performing a task. Here are some of the results of the UI design made by the author.

  1. Wish List

This feature provide a place for saving. From this page user can set their targets or goals to buy some asset.

Wish List

2. Asset Wills

This feature provide will service, so users can willed their assets or made a letter for someone they loved.

Asset Wills

3. Insurance

From this feature users can choose the appropriate insurance they needed.

  • Prototyping

All features you see above can be used by opening the protoype. Here is the Figma prototype that can be used by readers:

4. Usability Testing

This stage is the stage of using techniques in user-centered interaction design to evaluate products by testing them on users.

  • Stimulus User Research & Record Data

In the early stages of doing usability testing, the author makes several files that support these activities. There are several files that the author uses, namely :

  1. User Research Stimulus Document (Google Doc Format)
    This document contains research objectives, user criteria, List of Questions and Research Scenarios.
  2. User Data Record Document (Google Spreadsheet Format)
    This document contains user answers to the List of Questions, user opinions on the tasks performed, and SEQ & SUS data processing.
  3. SUS Questionnaire (Format Form)
    This document contains a list of questions used for the SUS questionnaire. There are 10 questions, consisting of 5 positive questions on odd numbers and 5 negative questions on even numbers.

List Questions SUS:

Q1. Saya merasa puas ketika menggunakan fitur last wish Bank Jago

Q2. Saya merasa fitur last wish Bank Jago rumit untuk digunakan

Q3. Saya merasa fitur last wish Bank Jago nyaman untuk digunakan

Q4. Saya membutuhkan bantuan dari orang lain untuk menggunakan fitur last wish Bank Jago

Q5. Saya merasa fitur last wish Bank Jago berjalan dengan semestinya

Q6. Saya merasa ada banyak hal yang tidak konsisten pada design fitur last wish Bank Jago

Q7. Saya merasa orang lain akan memahami penggunaan fitur last wish Bank Jago dengan cepat

Q8. Saya merasa fitur last wish Bank Jago membingungkan

Q9. Saya merasa tidak ada hambatan dalam penggunaan fitur last wish Bank Jago

Q10. Saya membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk beradaptasi menggunakan fitur last wish Bank Jago

  • User Persona

Before conducting usability testing in accordance with the research objectives, the authors selected prospective respondents according to the following criteria:

  1. Gender is not specific
  2. Age 25–35 years
  3. Domiciled in an urban area
  4. Profession as an employee in any agency SES A & B economy class (expense rate per month)
  5. Already have insurance from the office
  6. Educated and technology friendly
  7. Usually searching using google
  8. Usually use the application for daily needs (buying food, transportation, shopping, etc.)
  9. Ordinary and want to get cashback and also discounts
  10. Subscribe to apps like spotify, netflix, disney+, etc.
  11. Work from home
  12. Worried about Covid and have been vaccinated up to the second dose
  13. Not married (60%), married (40%)

So based on these criteria, 1 respondent was selected. The following is the background of the respondents in this case study:

Yosi Simajuntak

  • Tech Savy
  • Have Insurance From Company
  • 25 years old
  • Not Married
  • etc

Then the next stage is usability testing to the respondent in accordance with the predetermined Research Scenario.

  • Single Ease Question Result

In this case study, SEQ is carried out on each task that is passed by the user and is based on 3 aspects, which is utility, satisfaction and convenience.

Based on the results of the SEQ assessment, it was concluded that the three aspects of the three tasks were at an average of 8.8. This means that all aspects have passed the standard value (6) and can meet user convenience, comfort and satisfaction.

In addition, there are several problems from respondents that I should pay more attention to in making improvements to the design later:

  1. Added information to make it easier for users to understand.
  2. Create a convincing security system.
  3. Improve existing features to make them more perfect.
  • Hasil System Usability Scale

To assess usability in depth, the author applies the System Usability Scale in this Case Study. The results of the Q1-Q10 questions on the SUS questionnaire will be processed using the SUS Raw Score and SUS Final Score formulas.

Based on the calculation, the average score for the final result is 75. It can be concluded that the prototype design of Last Wish feature is categorized into grade B, which means the design is fairly good.

Pitching Video

What did I learn?

Through this design, the author learns that in designing an application, design makers must place themselves as users. So that the design can adapt to the needs of the user.

Then from the usability testing results, it can be concluded that the last wish feature design has adjusted to the user’s needs. However, there are details that must be paid more attention to, such as:

  1. The information displayed must be short, concise and clear.
  2. Provide explanations in several parts of the design so that users can understand the design well.

What are the next steps?

  • Improve the design in accordance with the suggestions given by the respondents. Actually we have already improve the design, namely:
  1. Fixed the existing information and text fields in the insurance registration section
  2. Give description into several parts of design, example: heirs section.
  3. Etc.
  • Perform continuous improvement to the feature design by doing routine Usability Testing. Next, usability testing should be carried out on 3–5 users so that the results obtained become more accurate.

Future Features

  • Insurance Comparison
  • More guaranteed security

Final Thoughts

The goal that the author wants to achieve through this feature design is to provide a space for people to plan and prepare their future that offers three aspects which is convenience, satisfaction and utility.

The author really hopes that in the future this application can be supported by Jago so that the featue can truly become the perfect place for every one who wants to prepare their life with happiness in the future.

