4 min readAug 15, 2023

The power of tiny habits: how small changes can transform your life

Do you know that one small change can lead to huge improvements in your life? Studies have shown that every small change in someone’s life can result in a big impact. For example, deciding to start exercising or eating healthy food can improve your health. These changes may look small but the impact is huge.
During high school, I stayed in a boarding house. Our house mistress will ring the bell every 5:30 Am to wake us up. I was a little bit lazy at waking up early so, it took me about thirty minutes to stand up from the bed. This was a weakness on my side. I will bathe late and go out for breakfast late. On a certain day, I got punished for that so I made up my mind to wake up thirty minutes before the bell rang every morning. This gave me extra time to prepare in the morning. That tiny change in my behaviour changed my habit of going late for breakfast.
Many people fail to understand that it is those small changes that can change their lives. When you start with small changes, you are more likely to stick with them and make them a part of your daily life. Let’s explore some examples of how tiny changes can transform your life:
The five-minute rule
According to Hena Mariam, the five-minute rule is a cognitive behavioural technique that is designed to overcome procrastination and boost productivity. The rule just tells you to spend just five minutes on whatever it is you are procrastinating, after which you are free to stop if you want. For most people starting a task is usually the hardest part but once they start, they realize it is easier to keep going than they thought. Let’s say Sarah always feels lazy flossing, the rule says, Sarah can decide to floss for just five minutes. Once she starts flossing, she realizes that flossing isn’t such a hard task. That change in habit can make Sarah have cleaner teeth and prevent plaque formation in her teeth.
The butterfly effect
The butterfly effect is the idea that small, seemingly insignificant actions can lead to far bigger repercussions. It also means small changes can have a big impact on your life positively. For example, taking a walk daily can have some effects on the individual such as better health, improved mood and increased productivity. Another example is deciding to increase your intake of water, this will make you more hydrated, more energy and brighter skin. So you see how small change can have a big impact on your life.
The ripple effect
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a ripple effect as a situation in which an event produces effects which spread and produce further effects. A small change in your life can lead to a series of other changes. Each small change leads to another and another. Let’s still use the taking a short walk example. Taking a short walk every day will lead to you eating healthy meals because you want to keep fit and be healthy and those healthy meals will lead to better health. Can you see how one small change can lead to so many other changes?
Some little changes you can make to change your life
Starting a new habit: Little changes in habit can transform your life. Setting an hour daily to read a book can add more value to your life. For example, it can help you learn new things and expand your knowledge. It can also strengthen your memory. So over time, that small change in habit can make you a better person.
Taking breaks: taking breaks from work, social life is also a habit that can make you more productive in the long run. Having a week’s vacation that frees your mind and just enjoying life to the fullest is another habit you should try to make small changes in your life
Disconnecting from technology: practising a tech-free evening can improve your focus and productivity. It also unplugs you from a lot of distractions and makes you focus on your surroundings. This also reduces your screen time which is beneficial for your eyes
Gratitude: Developing the habit of gratitude is also one of the changes you can make in your life. Being grateful can boost happiness and satisfaction. It can also boost your immune system, reduce stress, and improve your relationships. Studies have shown that gratitude can reduce the symptoms of depression.
Remember, changing those tiny habits can result in a huge positive change in your life. You do not need to make big changes to improve your life, instead, start small and build from there. So what small changes will you make to start transforming your life today? Let’s see your reply in the comment section


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