Wuraola Akinlade
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Dear boyfriend,

I want to thank you for the endless things you do for me, even if you don’t realize it. I want to thank you for always getting me cheese balls and fanta- there's no way I would leave this out😹. I want to thank you for loving me endlessly, even when I am most certainly the biggest pain in the ass that you could’ve ever imagined. I want to thank you for being so patient with me, especially when I’m being stubborn and refuse to admit I’m wrong (even though I definitely am).

I want to thank you for always encouraging me to do my best. I want to thank you for always believing in me, even when I can’t even believe in myself, the thought of making you proud or seeing how happy you would be even makes me want to do more. I want to thank you for being so damn amazing, for you’re everything that I’ve ever wanted and so much more. I want to thank you for watching movies with me- even though you have to wake me up every five minutes🌚. I want to thank you for listening to music with me- even though you'll never agree that Bazzi is amazing and Mahalia is trash😹

I want to thank you for figuring out solutions to most of my problems. I want to thank you for every time you tell me I look beautiful, even when my hair and my face look so rough.

I want to thank you for making me laugh harder than I ever have in my entire life, and smile like a complete idiot when I go through our chats. I want to thank you for how much you distract me during classes, and all the nights we studied together on phone.

I want to thank you for the countless times you walk down all the way from your hall and get me food or drinks, the walk from Mellanby is just way too much sometimes. I want to thank you for making me feel like I’m perfect, when I know I’m far from it. I want to thank you for loving me through all of my nonsense.. I know there’s a good bit of it. I want to thank you for apologizing simply to cease an argument, even though you make me apologize most of the times too. I want to thank you for embracing my weird personality, rather than telling me things I need to change about myself. I want to thank you for the resolutions you wrote for me at the beginning of this year, they've helped me become a better person.

But most of all, I want to thank you for being you. I want to thank you for being the man that I can fall in love with over and over again, every single day. I want to thank you for being the most selfless person I’ve ever met, and putting everyone before yourself. I want to thank you for being my absolute best friend. I want to thank you for letting me love someone as amazing as you, and loving me just the same.

Your Super Blessed Girlfriend


Wuraola Akinlade

Electrical and Electronics engineering Student| Graphic designer | Content creator