Published inMimirMimir Classroom Gets Keyboard SupportKeyboard support is a big deal for web apps. *Power users frequently use keyboard shortcuts to navigate app interfaces quickly. In…Nov 27, 2017Nov 27, 2017
Published inSkaldsBuilding a Country Highlighting Tool With MapboxFor a recent Byfrost Bridge project, we needed to create a dynamic map that highlighted the areas in which our client had done work. After…Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017
Published inSkaldsHow we succeed through collaborationOne of the biggest difficulties in agency work is finding reliable leads over time. Often times you will find too much work one month, then…Feb 17, 2017Feb 17, 2017
Published inSkaldsBranding is the personality your clients interact with.At Byfrost, we spend a good amount of time thinking about branding and design. We come across a lot of stats and figures that we find…Feb 17, 2017Feb 17, 2017
Published inSkaldsIn on the JokeHow Cards Against Humanity made $71,000 by selling nothingNov 28, 2015Nov 28, 2015
Let’s Talk about IndianaIndiana has a representation problem. We need some help. We have such a great community and such an unfortunate set of leaders. We need…Mar 31, 2015Mar 31, 2015
Weird Al Yankovic— Growth HackerThe worlds greatest parody writer just taught the internet a thing or two about growth hackingJul 23, 2014Jul 23, 2014
TonightHappiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.Jan 22, 2014Jan 22, 2014