Amy, I Think I Could Stay With You

Em Carpenter
3 min readAug 1, 2019

…for a while. Maybe longer, if I do.

Amy Klobuchar will be an also-ran. You know it, I know it, and it’s likely she knows it. And that’s a real shame, because I believe Amy is someone who could lead this country.

She lacks the presence and poise of Kamala Harris, the highbrow intellectualism of Elizabeth Warren, or the cult fan club of Marianne Williamson. In fact, the only female candidate she obviously outshines is poor Kirsten Gillibrand, the wallpaper of 2020’s hopefuls.

But she has grit, determination, and sensibility.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Amy is the daughter of a newspaper columnist and an elementary school teacher. She was high school valedictorian, got her undergrad degree from Yale, and her law degree from the University of Chicago. She practiced corporate law then served as a county prosecutor for 8 years before winning her senate seat, which she has held since 2007. As she noted at July 30th’s Democratic debate, she easily won even those Minnesota districts that went to Trump in 2016.

As senator, she has a reputation for bipartisan negotiation. At the end of the 114th Congress in 2016, Amy had passed more legislation than any other senator, having her name on 27 successful bills. But her first real national notice came during her participation in the Kavanaugh…



Em Carpenter

I write about social issues, politics, true crime, an occasional poem, and whatever else strikes my fancy. @wvesquiress.