The United States Senate — Office of Senator Kamala Harris [Public domain]

How to Lose Friends and Influence No One

Em Carpenter


I deserve it, really. My chickens are coming home to roost.

Back in 2016 I couldn’t understand how anyone not predisposed to voting for Trump could possibly “throw away” their vote on a third party. Didn’t those Never Hillary people get it? If they didn’t vote for her, they were voting for racism, misogyny, greed. Evil in a red necktie. What privilege they must have, being immune to the consequences. No matter how they hated her, didn’t they see that they had to vote for her to save others from those same consequences?

Fast forward to 2020, where I now find myself the outcast among some of my Democrat and liberal friends. Former friends, apparently. Because I said aloud what I was thinking: I don’t know if I can bring myself to cast a vote for Joe Biden.

How dare I even think it? Don’t I know this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF MY LIFETIME (just like the last one was)? If I don’t vote for Biden I am voting for racism, misogyny, greed. Evil in a red necktie. There is no perfect candidate, and anything is better than Trump. Any other vote means I don’t care about immigrants, or the LGBTQ+ community, or BIPOCs, or the environment, or women.

Then I tell them that I don’t support Biden because I believed Tara Reade.



Em Carpenter

I write about social issues, politics, true crime, an occasional poem, and whatever else strikes my fancy. @wvesquiress.