Reta Mays: An Angel of Death Stalking Her Own At VA Hospital

Em Carpenter
8 min readJul 16, 2020

The term “serial killer” evokes images of wild-eyed mugshots, made-for-tv-movie characters who capture the attention of America, even if in horror. Ted Bundy, Zodiac, Son of Sam. But the “big names” are only scum on the surface of a deep, black lake of evil humanity. While we look askance at the creepy loners, the Dahmers of the world, others, like Reta Mays, do their wicked work quietly, right under our collective noses.

If you don’t know who Reta Mays is yet, we will get to that in a minute. First, let us define terms in case anyone questions whether she “counts” among the Gacys and Rippers of the world. The FBI applies the term “serial killer” to offenders who commit two or more murders with a period of time in between. The period in between can be days to months, even years, though it often shortens as the killers find it harder to resist their compulsion. Estimates of how many active serial killers are at work today range from 50 to thousands.

Not all serial killers leave their victims bloody and mangled like we normally see depicted in the media. Reta Mays didn’t. In fact, she left her victims in whole and pristine condition, without a mark on their bodies. Not one that you could see without very close examination, that is. The mark was so small the men were buried without anyone noticing it. It was as tiny as…



Em Carpenter

I write about social issues, politics, true crime, an occasional poem, and whatever else strikes my fancy. @wvesquiress.