steps to turn your poems into a book

Wendy Van Camp
5 min readJan 13, 2018


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

As a poet, I write and submit my poems, much as I do my short stories. I write a batch of scifaiku, submit it to various magazines and hopefully, see most of it published. As an artist, I take the second step of illustrating my poems and turning them into blog posts, illustrated poems to publish in magazines or to sell as art prints at science fiction conventions. I am a published poet with a poetry collection and a poetry anthology editor.

Whether you submit your collection to a traditional publisher or plan to self-publish your manuscript, there are certain elements your manuscript will need to be ready.

You will need to decide on a title for your collection of poems. Think about the theme of your work and what poems you are going to include in the collection. This will help you determine a good title for your chapbook. I often suggest making a list of possible titles, pick out three or four favorites from the list and then double check the names on Amazon. See how many other books have the same title as your book. If there are none or only one or two, you have made a good choice. Be unique.

Author Name
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Wendy Van Camp

I love to read books, sketch, and drink coffee. I'm an author and a Anaheim Poet Laureate Emerita. #speculativepoetry #sciencefiction #memoir #poetry #scifaiku