PSL Schedule 2020 and The Monetary Benefits

Sports zilla
3 min readFeb 8, 2020


It is without a doubt that the PSL schedule 2020 has great monetary benefits and these benefits are essential for the future of Pakistan. Sports serves as the backbone for travel and tourism for any country. Thus, the initiation of such international events is going to have a huge impact on Pakistan’s economy. That is why officials are working day and night to make this event a huge success. After the success of this event, many industries are going to see a boost in their revenues.

PSL 2020

PSL schedule 2020 is a joint venture and this venture can yield the benefit of billions of rupees. Behind PSL 2020 there are the tiring efforts of marketing teams, cricket officials, and security forces. In addition, media networks and some influencers are also stakeholders, which attach the audience. The success of previous PSL events is bringing new opportunities for this international event.

The Stakes Involved

Pakistan is betting most of its time and resources on the PSL schedule 2020. This is a huge gamble and with how things are going it appears that this gamble is going to pay off. Many experts are skeptical of the event as putting in so many resources can be damaging. But as the event comes closer their skepticism is almost gone. PSL 2020 is projecting to bring in a revenue of $8 Billion which is more than last year’s $ 6.4 billion.

PSL 2020

Although most of the PSL 2020 teams are still under a loss of $1 million. This is due to their sponsorship deals that are not as big as they should be. But with PSL 2020 taking place entirely in Pakistan these deals are in line to be much bigger. That is why PSL 2020 is projecting to earn 150% more than last year. This includes the earnings from ticket sales, marketing deals, sponsorships, and brand ambassadorship.

A $10 Billion Deal

PSL is growing fast and with-it taking place in Pakistan this speed with only increase further. PSL 2021 is on its way to becoming a $10 billion event. This is just the safe projections for the future, and this can go way beyond it. PSL 2020 holds the future of Pakistan’s sports ventures. With its success, the collective sports ventures can go past tens of billions of dollars. This can be a huge boost to the economy of the country and can uplift many people from poverty.

Events like PSL schedule 2020 are more important for the country than many belief. As Pakistan was suffering from the decay of international events, the country lost its prosperity. The Success of PSL 2020 will yield benefits that even go beyond simple monetary values. This can bring much-needed life to many industries like hospitality, agriculture, and tourism. These industries contribute a lot to the GDP of a country. Therefore, with this Pakistan can gain its lost riches back in an instant.

The officials and fans have their fingers crossed for the success of PSL 2020.

