WWZ Stat Legend

Definitions and effect of each combat stat

Jan 12, 2024

There are 12 stats that affect WWZ combat:

  • Accuracy (ACCU) — chance of landing an attack
  • Agility (AGIL) — chance of dodging an attack
  • Area of Effect (AOE) — chance of attack affecting multiple targets
  • Armor (ARM) — damage reduction
  • Damage (DMG) — attack severity
  • Energy Cost (ENG-) — energy required to attack each turn
  • Energy Regeneration (ENG+) — energy regenerated each turn and on kill
  • Heat (HEAT) — chance of being selected to defend next turn. Attacking increases HEAT. Defending reduces HEAT.
  • Health (HP) — health at the start of the game
  • Health Regeneration (HP+) — health regenerated each turn and on kill
  • Luck (LUCK) — chance of landing an enhanced, critical attack
  • Zeal (ZEAL) — chance of being selected to attack next turn. Defending increases ZEAL. Attacking reduces ZEAL.




WWZ is a fun, multiplayer Discord game for PFP NFTs