WXC staking guide

2 min readMar 14, 2020



  1. Personal Ethereum wallet where you hold the private keys (Myetherwallet, Trustwallet or Eidoo for example)
  2. At least 500 WXC tokens, available at Crex24 or Stex

1. Create ETH Wallet

  1. Create your personal Ethereum wallet, in this example I will use Myetherwallet.com.
  2. Click on “Create A new Wallet

3. Click on “By Mnemonic Phrase” and write down your 12 words. Important if you lose the 12 Words u cant access your wallet!

4. After you wrote down your 12 words and verified them u can login in your Wallet. Click on “Software

5. Click on by “Mnemonic Phrase

6. Now you can enter your 12 Words and access your Wallet.

Now we created our Personal ERC20 Wallet. Copy the “Address

2. Send WXC to your ETH Wallet

  1. Sent at least 500 tokens to your Ethereum address, in this example I will send 10`000 WXC to my wallet, so I will get 2400 WXC tokens per year. (dont forget to include withdraw fee)

2. After we sent the WXC tokens, we can verify in the explorer it if worked.

Your are now ready to receive monthly staking payouts! Payout will always made on the last day of the month.

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