Cannabis plant

Can medical marijuana be another side to rescue public health emergency?

Kenneth E. Oshaughnessy
2 min readNov 17, 2017


In October, this year, when President Donald Trump declared Opioid epidemic as “Public health emergency “, every American citizen was waiting for some alternative.

But as it seems everything is just a “Word” here, Trump too just described it as an emergency and let it go. I wonder why there is no use of “Medical Marijuana” which has helped in states to decline the use of opioid drugs. During a meeting yesterday with the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, everyone hopes there may be some new development. But, when he was informed about the decline of Usage of Opioid in the areas where marijuana is being used, he replied, “Good people don’t use Marijuana”.

This egoistic attitude of the Trump administration just showed that government is not serious to use of Marijuana at any cost. Though Jeff Sessions, hailed Obama administration policy, still they don’t have any plan to eradicate federal law and make it legalized.

An article published by,, where it argued how Trump administration is failing to counter the Opioid overdosing. The article further argued that “Even more confusing is President Trump’s unclear view of the marijuana laws, the one substance that could serve as a potent alternative to opioids and lifesaver to tens of thousands of Americans annually.

Millions of Americans have already turned to medical marijuana. So it is high time for the Trump administration to show the world that he cares about public health instead of pity politics.

