Musk Endorses GOP: Free Speech or Billionaire Influence?

Wyatt L.
3 min readNov 8, 2022

Musk on Monday wrote on Twitter an endorsement for the GOP a day before the Midterms.

“To independent-minded voters:

Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic.” -@elonmusk via Twitter

With the billionaire’s recent buyout of Twitter, a lot of people and prominent figures have expressed criticism of Musk’s so called “Freeing of the Bird”. Most recently, Whoopi Goldberg has left twitter due to Musk’s ownership, and according to The Hill- stating that “she said she was leaving the platform because she is uncomfortable with proposed changes to content moderation policies rolled out by Musk.”

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Musk bought Twitter with the promise of bringing “Freedom of Speech” to the platform, but people have criticized the actual implementation and intent of this idea due to the recent suspensions of Kathy Griffin and Ethan Klein, two prominent figures with their own communities. They were both suspended from Twitter supposedly for parodying Elon Musk on the platform, with Musk addressing the issue with the statement:

“Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying “parody” will be permanently suspended” -@elonmusk via Twitter

But in the case of Ethan Klein, he did specify the account was parody in the bio of the account, yet was still suspended.


Musk has yet to comment on this suspension. Although, some of the tweets made by Ethan Klein while parodying Musk could be speculated to be considered against Twitter’s rules, which Musk tweeted a link to on Monday. This could include the false statement that Musk was “missing” Jeffery Epstein, a convicted sexual predator who sexual assaulted many victims, including children. This could be judged as violating Twitter’s Rules, as the rules state:

“Twitter has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation” -via

So with this chaos and controversy surrounding Musk’s takeover of Twitter, promoting “Free Speech” while simultaneously banning prominent users from the platform for negative impersonations of him, only makes Musk’s endorsement another fresh air of chaos on Twitter.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Republicans have heavily criticized George Soros, an American billionaire, for supporting left-wing campaigns and organizations. But with Elon Musk endorsing the GOP for the Midterms, does the right-wing now have a George Soros?

Well, most likely not. Musk posted several tweets afterwards about while he may be endorsing the GOP this time around, he isn’t a registered Republican nor close-minded to the idea of voting for Democrats. Also, according to, Musk has not made any political donations since 2018.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Whether this is Musk’s first amendment right to free speech, or Musk’s newest tweet to establish a right-wing MAGA Twitter cult, with one day out until the election, and millions of people who’ve already voted, Musks comments won’t make much of a difference on the national stage come Tuesday night.


