What is Root Canal Treatment? & How is it Performed?

Wynnum Dentists
2 min readMar 12, 2024

Imagine a superhero for teeth, swooping in to save the day when decay threatens to take over. That superhero is root canal treatment, a dental hero that comes to the rescue of damaged or infected teeth, allowing them to live another day. Many people shudder at the mention of it, picturing a procedure shrouded in mystery and pain.

However, the truth is far less dramatic and much more beneficial. Root canal treatment is a straightforward process designed to eliminate pain and restore the health of your tooth. It delves deep into the tooth, clearing out the villains — bacteria and damaged tissue — to bring relief and healing.

In this blog, we’ll uncover what root canal treatment really involves, demystifying the process and showing you how it’s performed. It’s time to change the narrative and see root canal treatment for what it truly is: a dental savior.

How is Root Canal Treatment Done?

1. Getting Ready for Treatment
2. Taking Out the Pulp
3. Cleaning and Filling the Root Canal
4. Sealing the Tooth
5. Placing a Crown
How much does a root canal cost?

It depends on how tricky the problem is and which tooth needs the work. Molars are harder to work on, so they might cost more. Many dental insurance plans cover some of the cost of root canals.

Usually, fixing your natural tooth with a root canal and restoration is cheaper than pulling the tooth and replacing it with something like an implant or bridge. Those options can help with chewing and keep other teeth from moving, but they often cost more than saving your tooth with a root canal and proper care.


Root canal treatment is a valuable dental procedure designed to save teeth that are damaged or infected. It involves taking out the infected pulp, cleaning and closing the canal to prevent future problems. While the process might seem daunting, it’s a straightforward way to relieve pain and save your tooth. Also, the root canal treatment cost is generally lower than the alternatives of extraction and replacement, making it a cost-effective solution for maintaining your dental health.

So, if you’re considering a root canal for yourself, it’s important to talk to experts at Wynnum Dentists. They can further guide you through the process.

To book your appointment email reception@wynnumdentists.com.au or call (07) 3396 1339.

Read More Here :- What is Root Canal Treatment? & How is it Performed ?

