Global Design Future

6 min readMay 2, 2018


Team F: Sam, Dana, Candice, Winking


The Future of Government 2030+: A Citizen Centric Perspective on New Governance Models is a project carried out by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Directorate General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT). It runs from March 2018 until May 2018.

The overall aim of the project is to better understand the changing relationships among different roles in society through our research, which include citizens, businesses, and governments. At the same time, new actors and responsibilities are emerging, and what we need to do is to give more trust and accountability. Through individuals’ needs and expectations of the future, we can imagine how the future vision is and imagine alternative images of the future. A wider range of stakeholders will be consulted and joined to discuss and study how the future government will be and the future transformation in government and governance structure.


At the beginning of the project, Camden offered us their 2025 vision which includes very detailed insights and current issues. Also, they came to our classroom in person to brief us, which give us a holistic understanding of Camden local authority’s expectation. After reading the given documents, we synthesized six categories data from Camden 2025, including employment & skill training & education, housing, rough sleepers, environment, safety and health, which provide some insights for us as our first round research stage. After that, we extracted keywords and listed them down, like young people graduation and career plan/ recycling/ air quality/ ageing/ support startup etc. We keep narrowing down our interesting area by voting regarding team’s experience and interest. The three topics we decided to focus on is mixed education model, health resources sharing system and recycling. Then, we made three personas and prototypes based on the scenario from JRC. However, we changed our attention after the first presentation due to we initially neglected the role of government in the project and how its new responsibilities are in the future. After turning our direction, the main scenario and persona were made based on JRC scenario 3. The rise of AI in government and the concept of citizen centrism brought a new design of the government. Governments have a real-time understanding of socio-economic problems; public services can be offered predictively to citizens. Participation in decision making is easily possible. Citizens are the sovereign over their data; privacy is key. We got scenarios and personas from JRC, which gave us a foundation to develop our concepts. After we had initial ideas, we had a workshop with all those specialists and got loads of useful feedbacks.


April 27, we invited Camden staff and policy lab to do a workshop in central saint martins. It was a very intense, but very helpful workshop; people are very warm to interact with us. What we learned during the workshop with them was that we need put ourselves into every stakeholders’ shoes and empathies them. For our current concept, it still very broad and vague at lots of points. We need focus and specify main touchpoints.

Based on the workshop that held in CSM, we would like to talk more about our ‘Concept explanation’ and ‘Challenges’ for gathering feedback from different perspectives.

“What if… in 2030, Healthcare resources are highly integrated domestically and internationally. By using telemedicine, citizens don’t need to queue for a long time to get treatment.”

Our idea has started from the concept that patients’ healthcare open data and resources can be shared in the borough(Camden) to the borough(Lambeth) that can prevent the public service’s long waiting time for the people who need a service directly or urgently.

We imagine the government as a facilitator that will encourage local health resource integration, including public health, private health corporation and the other organisations. The government will build an open-data platform to enable the data transmitting between different service providers. In order to integrate local resource, the government will create “catalyst” department to connect health service providers in one platform which enable data, talents and facility sharing. The advanced telemedicine technology with health resource sharing will bring more convenience service to citizens.

Why could an open-data platform be needed in 2030, who will authorise? Future of government 2030 won’t be centralised by having citizen’s data which also means ‘the power’. To make citizen-centred government in 2030, we expect everyone could be part of the policy-maker rather than give administration to the government.

Following the feedback, we have iterated our prototype, and it looks like below,

After the synthesised workshop feedbacks, we have iterated our scenario and prototype and could one step narrowed down for better understanding. The table shows that the journey of the stroke patients in 2030+. In this scenario, we expect citizen will need more simple service and accessible health service, in order to get the better health service, citizens will be willing to share their personal data. People will prefer the system that gives specific options for them to easily pick service providers.

In this scenario, according to citizen’s demand, the data centre will connect different service providers. Citizens contact with health calling centre, calling centre will automatically match the nearest hospital and send citizens information to ambulance department. On the way to the hospital, citizens can choose different doctors to do the telemedicine. After treatment, people can choose different recovery service providers in sharing resource platform, such as adult social care, Age UK, private hospital. After people back home, the wearable health device will share patient’s data with hospital and data centre.

What is the role of the government/business/citizens in this scenario?


  1. The government needs to understand the needs of the citizens and put them in the centre of their thinking and acting.
  2. The government needs to enact data regulation to secure citizens.
  3. The government need push transformation of healthcare resources integration.
  4. Co-decision making between civil society and government
  5. Transparency about the data algorithm will become two-sided. The government need adjust their way of working.


  1. Business will be not stand alone model; the win-win model will be the mainstream. Monopoly will be strictly censored by the government.
  2. Business will collect citizen data and generate user trends to feedback to citizens and the government.
  3. Business will keep investing in innovation.


  1. The government understand the needs of the citizens and put them in the centre of their thinking and acting
  2. Co-decision making between civil society and government
  3. AI and personal assistance systems make everyday life and the use of public services easier.(e.g. personal assistance systems can scan all options for public services and apply for it automatically. and there is no delay and long waiting time to get the service )
  4. Transparency about the data algorithm will become two-sided.

> What do we need to think about the next iterating prototype?

  1. Resources: Using whiteboard card do a placemaking. Using a 3D printer to make out different actors to tell a story. Using a video camera to record the story as a demonstration.
  2. Technologies: we need design a digital platform(web/app) to demonstrate how government engage different sectors and how healthcare resources could be shared.
  3. Arrangement: in order to understand our concept better, we may need real actor representative to experience our new service flow. Put them in the environment and see their feedback.

