UAP Hearing in Congress

Serge at X3EM
4 min readJul 27, 2023


Summary of the hearing transcript:

The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs. The witnesses were three former US military personnel who had direct experience with UAP encounters.

Lt. Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, testified that UAP sightings by military pilots are frequent but underreported due to stigma. He claimed the government knows more than it has revealed publicly, with all UAP videos classified secret or higher since 2021. In 2014–2015, Graves and other pilots reported cubes inside spheres near Virginia Beach almost daily. He argued UAPs pose an aviation safety issue that needs transparent investigation.

David Fravor, a retired Navy pilot, described his 2004 “Tic Tac” encounter off San Diego. His radar detected a UAP dropping from high altitude to near sea level in seconds, where Fravor saw a 40-foot Tic Tac-shaped craft with no visible propulsion system. It moved erratically, then vanished, outpacing F-18 jets. He believes the craft demonstrated technology exceeding current US capabilities. More reporting is needed, but excessive secrecy breeds public distrust.

David Grush, a former intelligence officer, reported a government cover-up of UAP crash retrievals and reverse engineering programs. He claims the US possesses non-human spacecraft, with crash artifacts circulating among defense contractors. Grush became a whistleblower after being denied access to special access programs related to UAPs. He argues oversight of unacknowledged programs with access restricted from Congress raises constitutional issues of checks and balances.

Overall, the witnesses alleged UAPs exhibit unprecedented flight capabilities, pose an aviation hazard, and reveal security issues related to unknown technology operating in US airspace and waters. They criticized government secrecy around UAPs and called for more transparent investigation, reporting, and oversight. Many committee members expressed interest in additional closed door hearings to follow up on classified issues raised.



What were the main topics discussed at the hearing?

Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), government secrecy around UAPs, safety risks posed by UAPs, the advanced technology exhibited by UAPs, the potential national security implications of UAPs, and calls for more government transparency, reporting, oversight and investigation regarding UAPs.

Who testified at the hearing?

Three former US military personnel — Lt. Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot; David Fravor, a retired Navy pilot; and David Grush, a former intelligence officer.

What claims did Lt. Graves make?

Frequent, underreported UAP sightings by military pilots, excessive government secrecy around UAPs, and that UAPs pose an aviation safety risk.

What incident did Cmdr. Fravor describe?

His 2004 encounter with a Tic Tac-shaped UAP exhibiting unprecedented maneuverability and acceleration off the coast of San Diego.

What did Mr. Grush allege?

A government cover-up of UAP crash retrievals and reverse engineering programs, including alleged possession of non-human spacecraft.

What safety issues were raised?

Near collisions, erratic UAP maneuvers near aircraft, radar and sensor failures induced by UAPs, and underreporting due to stigma.

What technology concerns were noted?

UAPs displaying sudden acceleration, abrupt direction changes, speeds exceeding F-18 capabilities, and lack of any visible propulsion system.

What national security implications were highlighted?

UAPs of unknown origin testing US defenses and possibly gathering intelligence, operating with superior technology that exceeds US capabilities.

What transparency improvements were urged?

More public reporting of UAP incidents, new reporting procedures, tighter congressional oversight of all programs, and investigations into the origins and technology behind UAPs.

What is the attitude of the US military towards UAPs according to the witnesses?

A culture of stigma, secrecy and avoidance, discouraging reporting due to potential career impacts.

When did Lt. Graves have his UAP sightings?

In 2014–2015 near Virginia Beach.

What did the UAPs encountered by Lt. Graves look like?

Dark cubes inside clear spheres.

When did Cmdr. Fravor’s Tic Tac encounter occur?

In November 2004 off the coast of San Diego.

How big was the Tic Tac described by Cmdr. Fravor?

Approximately 40 feet long.

What did Mr. Grush claim the US government possesses?

Non-human spacecraft and artifacts from UAP crash retrievals.

What motivated Mr. Grush to become a whistleblower?

Being denied access to UAP-related special access programs he believed Congress was entitled oversight of.

What safety hazard is posed by underreporting UAPs according to Lt. Graves?

Increased risk of aviation accidents and collisions.

What potential defense issues were raised regarding UAP capabilities?

UAPs may be able to disable radar and sensors on military aircraft, limiting response options.

How did committee members respond to the testimony?

With great interest and many pledges for further investigation, accountability, and transparency around UAPs.

What deficiencies in current UAP data were highlighted?

No centralized collection, incomplete reporting, sensor information not saved, lack of follow-up investigation.

What oversight improvements did witnesses urge?

Ensure all government programs related to UAPs comply with reporting and oversight laws, even highly classified ones.

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Serge at X3EM

SuperPrompts Engineer, creator of #SuperPromptIt, maker, & author. 3D printing skyscrapers in the cities of the future!