The DNC is Getting Ready For a Contested Convention, and So Should Bernie’s Base.

The DNC is already making some pretty brazen power plays, and it’s time to get ready.

Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readJan 26, 2020


Photo via Tom Perez on Instagram

We are rapidly approaching the first votes being cast in the 2020 democratic primary, and every current indicator points to the contest being between Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders. But with recent polls showing Bernie now in a lead outside the margin of error in both Iowa and New Hampshire, statistically tied with Biden nationally, and currently the favorite in California as well, it’s looking as though he has every shot of winning this nomination. I think it might even be safe to say Bernie is emerging as the favorite.

That being said, this also means that the work has only just begun, and moves coming from the DNC are already raising significant alarm bells.

Chairman of the DNC Tom Perez has nominated incredibly questionable choices to the Convention leadership. Dangerous choices that show a clear indication they are already planning on taking the democratic nomination away from Bernie at the convention.



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx