‘Good Guys’ in Syria: Collection of Links about Civic Authorities

Tom Cooper
2 min readDec 18, 2016

Many are asking, are there ‘good guys’ in Syria?

From my point of view, there is only one answer: yes, no doubt there are. And there are plenty of them. Sadly, related reporting is relatively scarce, never catching as much attention of the mainstream media or politicians, and usually overwhelmed by the mass of ‘ambient noises’ resulting from sensationalism and propaganda.

The following is to become a collection for links to reports about civic authorities in insurgent-held parts of Syria — a much ignored topic related to the Syrian ‘Civil’ War.

  • General description of purpose and intentions:
  • Self-Organization in the Syrian Revolution:
  • Status as of early 2016:
  • Emergence of democratic structures:
  • Function of Local Councils in general:
  • Function of Local Councils in Idlib Governorate:
  • Story about dissolution of the Local Council of Darayya, widely regarded as one of most successful authorities of the kind:

The End of a Civic Experience

  • Local Councils in besieged areas:
  • Review of so far the only book discussing self-governance in insurgent-controlled parts of Syria:

I intend to expand this collection as I find more reports and time.



Tom Cooper

From Austria; specialised in analysis of contemporary warfare; working as author, illustrator, and book-series-editor for Helion & Co.