Why freedom is important and how it leads to maximum prosperity

Xander Galdones
3 min readSep 15, 2023


Why freedom is important and how it leads to maximum prosperity

Freedom is one of the most important things in life. It allows us to pursue our own goals, make our own choices, and live our lives as we see fit. Freedom is also essential for economic prosperity.

When people are free to start businesses, trade freely, and invest their money, they are more likely to create wealth and opportunity for themselves and others. This is because free markets are more efficient at allocating resources and producing goods and services than government-controlled markets.

In addition, sound money is essential for economic prosperity. When people have confidence in their currency, they are more likely to save and invest, which leads to economic growth.

This chart illustrates that countries with greater economic freedom tend to experience higher levels of prosperity.

The Richest Countries in the World as of 2023

Here is a more detailed explanation of how individual freedom, free markets, and sound money lead to maximum prosperity:

Individual freedom

Individual freedom allows people to pursue their own economic goals and opportunities. For example, people are free to start their own businesses, invest in new ventures, and trade with others freely. When people are free to do these things, they are more likely to create wealth and opportunity for themselves and others.

Free markets

Free markets are more efficient at allocating resources and producing goods and services than government-controlled markets. This is because free markets allow prices to be determined by supply and demand, rather than by government intervention. When prices are determined by supply and demand, resources are allocated to the most productive uses, and goods and services are produced at the lowest possible cost.

Sound money

Sound money is money that is stable in value and has a limited supply. When people have confidence in their currency, they are more likely to save and invest, which leads to economic growth. Sound money also helps to reduce inflation, which can erode people’s savings and make it more difficult for businesses to plan for the future.


Individual freedom, free markets, and sound money are essential for economic prosperity. When people are free to pursue their own economic goals, free markets are allowed to operate efficiently, and sound money is used, economies tend to grow and people tend to become wealthier.

There is a wealth of empirical evidence to support this claim. For example, a study by the Fraser Institute found that countries with higher levels of economic freedom tend to have higher levels of GDP per capita. Another study by the Heritage Foundation found that countries with higher levels of economic freedom tend to have lower levels of poverty.

Of course, there are other factors that also contribute to economic prosperity, such as education, infrastructure, and access to capital. However, individual freedom, free markets, and sound money are essential ingredients for a prosperous economy.

If we want to achieve maximum prosperity for all, we need to protect and promote individual freedom, free markets, and sound money.

