How do we ensure our collective resources (membership, dues, staff time, org infrastructure) are used responsibly?

Alexander Hernandez
2 min readJul 31, 2023


This one is very important, because the NPC controls the organizational purse. And while convention sets the agenda for the next 2 years, it’s the National Political Committee that decides how our collective resources are used.

Part of what I’ve seen through observing the NPC since 2017 is a lack of basic understanding of organizational operations.

There is no reason a staff should be overworked. There is no reason 8 staff vacancies should remain unfilled, while folks are being overworked and burnt out. This only cascades up and down the organization, nationally from the NPC and various bodies to the chapter level. It’s unsustainable. And it’s a poor way to run an organization.

More organizers means more chapter support. This is key, and crucial course correction is necessary.

There has been much made about the budget deficit. I want to make one thing clear: I am optimistic about DSA’s fiscal future. … if the NPC can work as one body, as intended… I know that’s a big if..but…

Historically, DSA projects a deficit going into convention. I believe we will come out of convention stronger and more united, because we have no choice and will need all of us to win.

The current NPC chose to implement a 20% across-the-board organizational cut, as opposed to adjusting the monthly revenue stream — see dues, the lifeline of any membership organization. The socialist cash must beat the capitalist trash, but also make sure our staff’s checks clear.

My optimism for DSA’s fiscal future lies in that simple truth. Adjustments will have to be made. And an alleviated staff and national organization will extend resources to the membership.

Empowering members: We often get in our own way. The movement and potential base of the socialist movement is in the millions. But we are struggling to reach 100 thousand.

We need to give all members access to organizational resources from the day they join DSA.

We need to raise and build up leaders…. Our key resource is our people, each other. And unfortunately, I’ve seen too many conflicts around simple use of membership lists. We are organizers, and any organizer is only as good as their list. Making it easy for members ready and willing to engage in our collective work is so important.

More members will mean we need more on-ramps. I think that means opening up committees, the International Committee, and others to general membership from day 1.

But key for this, to help with the onboarding and insurer resources get out, we need to fill the organizing staff positions.

Photo by Susie Burleson on Unsplash



Alexander Hernandez

I am a unionist and democratic socialist. I organize with Pasco-Hernando DSA.