5 Quick Wins to improve your ad results

Xavier Litt
3 min readOct 5, 2022


Here are 5 low-hanging fruits, that can quickly help you improve your ad results:

  • Making ad creatives stand out more;
  • Using high-impact ad formats;
  • Targeting your best performing user segment;
  • Adding more CTAs on your landing page;
  • Buying ad inventory at a better price.

Based on my experience, overseeing more than $30m in ad budgets over the last few years, many customers waste money by not applying these 5 tips on their ads.

Each one of these taken separately could potentially double your results. The beautiful thing with advertising, is that optimization compounds. If you 2x results on 5 parameters, you’ll multiply performance by 2⁵ = 32.

Although this is just a ballpark estimation, it shows the power of improving every aspect of your ads, and that every detail counts.

Making ad creatives stand out more:

Before being convincing, the first job of an ad is to be seen. You need to grab the viewer’s attention first, before you can do anything else.

People have become incredibly skilled at avoiding ad banners with their eyes when reading online. Your first job is to stand out from the crowd of overlooked banners, and grab the viewer’s attention with something shocking/intriguing/mysterious/cute/absurd/valuable or any other technique that will result in eyeballs noticing your ad.

Here is an example I’ve recently seen online (not a client).

It might seem absurd, but a lot of people love cats. It immediately grabs your attention. Plus mixing the cat with a serious topic like “Customer retention” and “customer intelligence” generates curiosity. It was enough for me to click on the ad and read about the company behind it. Well done.

Using high-impact ad formats

Recently we helped a client multiply by 7 their CTR, simply by switching from static image banners to dynamic (HTML5) creatives, with movement, several messages and animation.

These are much better at getting noticed, and convey more information.

If you don’t know what HTML5 banners are, or how to create them, hire a specialist ( Mona Malca for instance is very good at this). It’ll be worth it.

Targeting your best performing user segment

Unless you have millions of dollars in ad budget, you won’t be able to show ads to every potential customer. You need to make choices. Trying to target a whole country with a small ad budget makes little sense.

In my experience, you can get much better results by targeting a more specific user group. Spend your budget only where you have the greatest chance of getting a really good Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

Adding more CTAs on your landing page

This is one of the simplest way to make users act more frequently on your landing page. Yesterday’s article was dedicated to this. Read it here for more info:


Buying ad inventory at a better price

If you’re not using a technology like Ad360 (www.ad360.media) to buy media, which gives you the best rates possible by cutting out the middlemen, then it means you’re probably overpaying for your inventory.

Instead of buying on social media, where CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) can often reach several dollars, you can buy on Ad360, and get much better rates (up to 10x cheaper, for the same qualified websites and/or audience).



Xavier Litt

Chief Growth Officer at Ad360 — Making Ecommerce Growth Super Simple! Talks about #tech, #digital, #ecommerce, #marketing, and #advertising