An introduction to Message Brokers

Xavier Geerinck
3 min readMar 15, 2018


What is a Message Broker?

In its core, a message broker is “a program that translates a message to a formal messaging protocol of the sender, to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver”

So when do I need a Message Broker?

So of course as in any Computer Science topic, now the question comes when you would use a Message Broker? Well a Message Broker is really good in one thing — processing messages.

This means that when you have a lot of messages (think thousands, millions, billions of messages) that it could be worth looking into a Message Broker to create a centralized store/processor for these messages, so that other applications or users can work with these messages — your single source of truth.

Use Case #1

Just think about when an enterprise acquires a startup. How would you integrate the applications that the startup wrote into your own enterprise? You could start by migrating the whole application towards your own database connections, or start porting it to another language. But this is most often a task of weeks / months. Rather than spending your time on doing this, it could be more beneficial to integrate the startup application in a centralized event store, so that you can adapt your other programs to work with these events. Events are a form of unified communication, so that you do not rely on the programming / scripting language behind it.

Use Case #2

What about when your organization wants to work with the new Internet of Things (IoT). Then you would have thousands of devices, but how do you manage the data of all those devices? Well this is where a Message Broker also excels in. Just send all your data of these devices towards your Message Broker, and it will take care of processing them.

Which Message Brokers are out there to process my events?

There are tons of message brokers out there (ActiveMQ, Kafka, RabbitMQ, OMS, JMS, Redis, Service Bus, …) however for me there are three popular ones (subjective).

Azure Event Hub

Azure Event Hub allows you to set up a scalable Event Hub that suits your needs in a couple of seconds. It is a PaaS offering by Microsoft Azure, so that you do not need to manage it, but rather just consume it.

To provide full interoperability and binary compatibility across platforms, Event Hub uses the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) which is an open standard, downloadable by everyone:

Azure Event Hub Architecture —

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a Message Broker originally developed by LinkedIn and open sourced early 2011. It is just like Azure Event Hub a platform capable of handling millions of events.

The main difference between Apache Kafka and Event Hubs is that Apache Kafka is mostly installed through an IaaS offering rather than a PaaS offering. This trend however is changing and more and more Cloud Vendors are now offering PaaS versions of Kafka as well. Apache Kafka also has a big open source community behind it.

Apache Kafka Architecture —


RabbitMQ was one of the first open source message brokers, developed to implement AMQP to work across different platforms and languages.

RabbitMQ Architecture —

