Xavier Alexander kwan
10 min readAug 26, 2021

UI/UX Case Study Tinder Dating App

Tinder is a top leading dating apps within the whole world. Its very own users have a breathtaking of 6.6 million paid subscriptions users within the app itself. As part of UI/UX course, I was assigned to redesign, find a solutions of the declines in the market among the same competitors as Tinder, to hopefully regain the users’ trusts to dominate the market.

This medium articles is a process to record my whole 13 weeks of progressions, improvements and solutions to myself. The processes containing solutions founding, proposing ideas, fixing the issues within and create a success prototype.

There are total of four steps :

  1. Research Sprints
  2. Concept Sprint
  3. Usability Sprint
  4. Handover Sprint

Research Sprint

Research sprint is to let me to further understanding the needs and wants of the Users through user persona. By interviewing with them, talk with them to get a better grasps on what to do next. The most important of all parts , is to collect enough datas.

FOR people

WHO are not interested in using dating app.

OUR PRODUCT is a dating app.

THAT PROVIDES Interesting , harmony environment within the social area.

UNLIKE other dating app, we are able to bring people together through real time reality shows. Our securities are much better as we provide very well managed security.

OUR PRODUCT requires user’s real information, real life photos verifications with strict rules to provide you a very well managed platform. Activities such as real time reality show would be a plus point to bring people together

With the problems statements stated as above, in order to have a detailed datas for our datas finding, there are also steps to back up the whole thing , which is the User Persona.

User Persona

Objective of Researches

  1. To understand what the user’s needs and wants, and also the ideal thoughts and experiences behind them.
  2. Their overall experiences and emotions to dating categories apps on the market. This will further bring us further understand what is our next step.
  3. To understand the struggling of the users and finding a solutions to solve their sides of thoughts and on behalf of the major client’s side.

Research Procedure

  1. Downloads and do some testing on some of the dating apps on the market.
  2. Compile a numbers of issues while experiencing it. Make it into a series of thought to ask on the user’s interview.
  3. Review the interview questions and place some deep thoughts on it .
  4. Reconstruct on some of the interview questions whether it’s right to ask them about or not.
  5. Once the preparations part are done, then thus proceed with interviewing the users along with filling the interview questionaire.


These are the interviewers that I have a close look on. Whether they have enough experiences or had known the categories of the app itself.

Interview Questions


After the interviews, it ultimately gave me an insight on the datas finding. With these finding, I carefully compile it, then further describe it down in percentage to carefully review on it.

  • 100% of the Interviewer are around the age of 20 -25 years old.
  • 67% of the interviewers used to use dating app but not anymore.
  • 100% of the interviewer know those dating apps through ads.
  • 100% of the interviewers would use it to kill time but rather not get into a relationship by it.
  • 67% of the Interviewers do not think that playing dating app is secured and needs to find a way to make it more secure.
  • 100% of the Interviewers used to use dating apps not so frequently, only around 3 to 4 times a month.
  • 67% of the Interviewers felt like using dating app could enlarge their own social circle.
  • 100& of the interviewers would prefer to put their real photos instead of something else.
  • 100%of the interviewers felt like most of people using dating app as a platform to find FWB.
  • 33% of the interviewers have unpleasant chat experienced.
  • 33%of the interviewers used to go out to meet people matched on the dating apps.
  • 33% of the interviewers have any experienced of being catfished.
  • 100% of the Interviewers don’t use dating app anymore cause they felt like they don’t need it anymore.
  • 33% of the interviewers suggests that strict verification is the thing that dating app should aim to improve.

User’s Journey

Now, with all these datas collected, I then further continue progress on the user’s journey, to jock down their pain points and everything.

The interesting part on working a user’s journey, is that there are thoughts of all the interview’s answers spinning around your head. There are couples of interesting pain points that I don’t get to make it into the consumer’s journey. The pain points are as such :

“ I used to approach the matched users first, but once they knew that as a girl you approached them first, they would thought it as other needs else…”

“I tried to match with a couple of different users, but sadly there weren’t much users really matched with me. It’s pretty time wasting…”

“I’ve never really use a dating app before, but I’ve heard a couple of different stories on their experiences on dating apps, which further made me pretty unwanted to try out the app itself…”

After overall user’s journey, I then further continue to brain storming on the client’s opportunities on whether what to improve for the app itself.

The opportunities are ranged from different aspects and thoughts on whether what to improve on such a finished well around app . From further marketing sides, user’s side to client side. All were pretty well taken into considerations.

Competitors Analysis

Competitors are one of the very crucial things whether on the technical side or on the business side. Before diving into of all these wild ideas and zones, it is very important to get a grasps on whether what made their apps better and further utilise their ideas to turn it into our stronger point. These are some of the aspects that I have thought to further record down on them.

Among all these competitors, clearly there are ones that we always felt like you liked them the most. The favourite of mine among all of the competitors has a clear navigations, gamification on letting the users to have fun with all the time and also the simplest and clean interfaces, and a very large scale of users to satisfy the users.

Research Sprint



Concept Sprint

Concept sprint is one of the very important steps, a further forward on what did we do back there. Concept sprint consist of wireframe, initial sitemap, a certain understanding , and the overall concept and ideas of the drafting progresses.


Featured Proposal

The featured proposal that I want to put focus were the Anonymous report area and the overall profile preview and interfaces such as the matches, profile and such.


The wireframes were created in Adobe XD. At first, I used to have a hard time on creating the wireframes, as I was not able to jock down the overall art directions and the overall designs that I want to go for.

User Testing Round 2

I had great time on the second user testing with interviewers. Despite I wasn’t able to compile much on the datas finding due to my lack of designs and the directions of it. I did able to compile some ideas to work on my design itself.

Starting off with the interview, the interviewers were given with several tasks, and questions to see whether they could proceed with the app. Some of the questions such as the comparisons between 2 designs of each interfaces and such.

Product Outlook Deck

After of all the interviewers and such, I then proceed to record down their likes and dislikes into the product outlook deck. It could help with my future further progressions on building the interfaces and such.

Concept Sprint Link


Usability Sprint

After the research and concept sprint, it’s down to the real work to begin. After struggling on the concept sprint, I have to start to refine and find a better art directions that could make the designs look consistent and appealing to the users and public.


From all the mood board that I have spent countless time on. I wanted to go for much more towards the vector style and enough clean look by using simplest colours tone as possible.


There were changes within the thought of mine whether which type of font that I would think it’s the most suitable one for the interface that I’m going for. After several testing, I decided to go for Helvetica Neue as it were much more suited to my overall designs.


Due to the lack of works on the concept sprint, my sitemap have to be updated and provide and convey to the users in a much more simpler and easy to understand way. After refining the sitemap, I felt like it is much easier to understand the overall flow to be expected within the app.

Hi-Fidelity Screens

After a very tough catch up on trying to work out my wireframe. I took days and times trying to sort out all the interfaces art directions, colours and overall style. For all that matters of hard works finally came down to create th best Hi-Fidelity screens as possible.

User Testing ( 3rd )

Usability Sprint


Handover Sprint

Final Hi-Fidelity Screen

User Flow

User flow is one of the very important thing especially for all the new users out there.

Handover Sprint