Dear Bootcamp Newbies…

Xavier Olivares
3 min readJun 12, 2019

I’m Xavier and, if you didn’t know yet, I’ve reached the senior phase (or the bootcamp’s halfway point) at Fullstack Academy. It’s exciting AND SCARY!

Fullstack Academy is an immersive software engineering coding bootcamp located in New York City and Chicago. Students of the full-time flagship course learn full stack JavaScript over the course of a 13-week, on-campus program.

Not too long ago, it was tough to create a simple web page or game, but HERE. I. AM. building full stack web applications. It’s kind of wild.

Time has flown past much faster than I ever thought it would. As in life, we wish we could slow down some moments (or speed them up)! I’m not even done with the bootcamp yet, but I’m already missing the experience and the people I’ve met.

Aside from the mountain of technical skills I’m developing, I’ve made some pretty big shifts in my mindset. The pressure of this bootcamp required it, so I’d like to share a few takeaways that I would have liked past Xavier to know. These continue to serve me in being happier/healthier/more productive, so here we go:

  1. See if you can tackle everything the instructors throw at you. Do your best and keep failing forward.
  2. Bootcamps are made to challenge you, so beating yourself up will only distract you from the experience. You will feel overwhelmed and the infamous “Imposter Syndrome” will kick in more times than you’re able to consciously process. Have faith in yourself.
  3. Everyone says to take breaks when you’re tired and to take care of your health. They’re kind of right about that.
  4. Be honest with your progress or lack thereof. When you’re open and vulnerable, others are willing to help and listen!
  5. Think of your cohort-mates as soon-to-be-friends and not the competition. It’s a much healthier mindset to have, so don’t be a donkey. Hang out. Help each other. Connect.
  6. Tell yourself that you’re amazing and that you can do this. Extra credit: Imagine the people you admire telling you the same, whether they’re in your cohort or not. Sometimes you’ll need a little validation, so do what it takes to get it!
  7. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m focusing on right now important?” You will often get confused about what to prioritize. As basic as it sounds, the tests and checkpoints that you are provided should be your guides, so keep practicing those fundamentals. The bootcamp isn’t trying to trick you with curveballs.
  8. You will be given tons of great resources to help prime you on new concepts. However, if something isn’t sinking in as much as you would like, feel free to look for an external resource that better suits your learning style. I happen to love YouTube videos! Here are a couple of go-to resources that helped lots of people in my cohort.

YouTube Resources:

That’s all I have for now. Whether you’re starting out on your development journey or are considering a bootcamp, I’m wishing you the very best. Remember that the world’s rooting for you!

Feel free to connect:

