We have many facets to our lives. We are fathers & mothers, sons & daughters, leaders, friends, and colleagues to someone. Many of us are also Christians. We choose to live in harmony with others, but this is increasingly challenging today. How are we to live as Christians when we are tempted and tested by the world?

I am a Christian who contributes regularly to publications on Christian leadership and parenting. Based on my experience as a father to four children, and a corporate leader for more than 30 years, I help my readers lead more meaningful lives that are consistent with Bible principles.

In the last few years, I have conducted psycho-educational sessions on Biblical Parenting and Early Childhood Education. These are for parents who seek to nurture their children in the way God wants them to grow. By appointment, [via xavier.wooncy@gmail.com] Christian counselling & coaching are also offered.

Medium member since December 2019
Editor of Vineleadership
Connect with Xavier Woon