Exploring the Mental Time Machine: Unlocking Past, Present, and Future Possibilities.

Navigating the Power of Reflection, Trust, and Divine Guidance.

Just Drafty, MBA in Food
4 min readMay 29, 2023

What is a mental time machine?

To my understanding, a mental time machine allows a person to envision or see past mistakes, situations, and predict their future without directly experiencing it or adopting a specific lifestyle they desire for themselves.

What is the online internet saying about a mental time machine?

Mental time travel comprises the mental reconstruction of personal events from the past (episodic memory) & the mental construction of possible events in the future.

Interpreting this concept:

So better understanding of mental time travel is a person who recreates different events within their minds on things that have not happened but think they would in the future.

That is why a lot of people fear what has not happened because they always looking at a negative and positive outlook on life.

So if a situation comes up in their lives.

Then think cannot handle it. What they do is worry about and then get fearful of what might not happen, but put their Trust In The Lord, knowing all things will work together for those who love the Lord.

It will align with your goals. If they only trust and believe. Because every situation you go into is not here to condemn you, but prepare for your full purpose but that You and God Discussion.

That is why people get confused because everyone trying to understand everyone's goals and vision, but can you really:

Handle someone else vision and mind and ask this question?

The answer is no because only God knows what truly going on in one's mind. People can predict or guess what your vision or goals are, but God knows everything about you.

You can understand someone else’s goals and visions by praying and meditating for that person better understand what God has for that person and listen clearly.

A character from The Boondocks aka Huey accurately stated:

“What do you know about my vision would turn your world upside down terrace under your illusions and send the sanctuary of your own ignorance crashing down around you.” Now ask yourself. Are you really ready to see that vision?

— Huey Freeman

Let’s speak about my experiences:

Everyone knows me as a person who is very creative aka a Content Creator who explores the worlds of Coding, Designing, Cooking, Investment, Writing, Gaming, and many other things.

I can’t tell you what God has for me to become, but I can say that I must work hard to try to stay consistent, stay focused, and focus on my task, regardless of whether it is difficult, without looking back at the potential consequences.

I have been Tested by People and People Have Tested Me but sometimes it works in good situations and bad situations, but doesn’t mean you should give up because people in this world say things like your terrible leader or you are not capable or fit to lead a team or organization.

No one on this earth can determine what I am capable of, except for God.

People can run their mouths and speak what they see you are doing or what people love to do analyze us by looking at our credentials or certification.

I can say get a lot of people questioning what doing because a lot of people don’t truly understand what I’m doing anyway only God himself.

You must understand these things first:

1. Biblical Teachings:

By delving into the teachings of the Bible, one can gain a better understanding of their calling and purpose on Earth, as well as why God has placed them here to do specific tasks.

2. Ancestral History:

Understanding the history of one’s ancestors is crucial in comprehending why there is a strong focus on initiating change within one’s family and community.

3. Family Ties:

Family plays an essential role in shaping one’s goals and aspirations. Although not everyone may currently require assistance, witnessing positive changes in your own life can inspire them to gradually seek improvement in their own lives.

4. Stillness:

Start your day on a serene note by embracing the practice of morning fasting and sitting in stillness. Not only does this ritual help you maintain a calm and relaxed state of mind, but it also offers a unique opportunity to establish a deep connection with the divine.

Whether you prefer to dedicate this time to quiet reflection or engage in early morning work, such as at 2 am, incorporating fasting and stillness into your morning routine can pave the way for a heavenly experience as you commence your day with daily devotionals and immerse yourself in the teachings of the Bible.

