XceedCrypto - formerly Chilli Padi Capital
XceedCrypto - formerly Chilli Padi Capital

The X Factor XceedCypto, formerly known as Chilli Padi Capital, is a crypto fundraising company with a proven track record of successfully fueling blockchain projects. XceedCrypto successfully raised capital for several projects in the year 2021/22. We take strategic approach and innovative solutions, specializing in fundraising and marketing support for emerging crypto projects. With a history of successful executions, XceedCrypto is now gearing up to further elevate and empower the next wave of transformative blockchain projects. Welcome to the evolution, welcome to XceedCrypto.

XceedCrypto - formerly Chilli Padi Capital

XceedCrypto - formerly Chilli Padi Capital

Incorporating the X factor into blockchain fundraising.