Crypto Arbitrage Analytics by — June 07 ‘18
2 min readJun 7, 2018


We are going to make usual arbitrage market reports for crypto exchanges, based on analytics tools. Today we’ll overview STEEM, ZRX, TRST, BTC/USD and some more…

TRST-ETH Liqui-Bittrex

Bittrex is going to delist TRST tomorrow on June 8 ’18. So you have a chance to catch nice spread between Liqui and Bittreex. For example at 8:00 UTC today it was 2.7% for BUY on Bittrex and SELL on Liqui 100 TRST-ETH.

100 TRST-ETH BUY Liqui - SELL Bittrex

STEEM Poloniex

STEEM wallet is still under maintenance on Poloniex and it shows great spread 20+% with Bittrex and Binance for STEEM-BTC:


ZRX Liqui

Liqui ZRX shows 20%-22% spread with Bittrex, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Binance. But you can’t make ZRX withdrawal from Liqui.


SYS Poloniex

SYS also under maintenance at Polo. So we have this picture:


BTC-USD WEX and Bittrex

WEX usually shows nice spread swing for */USD pairs. For example BTC-USD with Bittrex is in 1.8% swing value between WEX-Bittrex BUY-SELL and WEX-Bittrex SELL-BUY for last 4 days:

BTC-USD BUY WEX — SELL Bittrex and SELL WEX — BUY Bittrex

You can make your own reports with Just use Exchange Spreads Tool and Triggers History Analytics. Manage Crypto Like a Pro with xChainer! Se you soon:)

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