Xecute is typing… Series #4, Market Value Surge and Additional Exchanges

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019


Dear all QWC members,

Thanks you for your support on the recent market movements including additional exchange listings led by our international communities.

Up until June, tradings on QWC pairs took place in two exchanges, mainly Crex24 and BiteBTC. BiteBTC, which listed QWC with my personal funds, turned out to be an exchange that failed to build trust on our members. I apologize for the incidents. I personally wrote them emails numerous times but failed to get any replies regarding issues our members claimed. BiteBTC now has changed its name to Fedilo(fedilo.com) claimed to be owned by SBC, but I am not convinced that I could endorse this exchange to our members until all previous withdrawal issues are sorted out.

New exchanges: Bituan(bituan.com) in Hong Kong and Citex(citex.co.kr) in Korea

After listing on above two exchanges, the market value of QWC has jumped more than 10 times and the coin value is nearing 1 satoshi, which everyone hoped for. The coins are now more distributed over multiple markets and regions that the overall stability of market value and liquidation improved significantly.

I just wanted to mention that what really drives the market is the our expectation. If we expect QWC to reach 10 satoshi, we will get there. If we only limit the future of QWC to 0.5 satoshi, that’s where it is going to stay. It will take some time and we expect to see some corrections even after we reach more exchanges in near future.

#To comply with Medium’s policies on Cryptocurrency Related Posts (https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000646167), the following information will be attached and updated.

General Info:
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Coin Name: Qwertycoin
Ticker: QWC
Type: 0% Premined Decentralized Community Coin
Fork: Bytecoin, Monero, Karbo, DigitalNote
Proof Type: Pow (Proof of Work)
Mining Algorithm: Cryptonight
Difficulty Algorithm: Zawy LWMA, Adjusted every block
Blocktime: 120 seconds
Tx Hash: Instant
Required Confirmations: 10 confirmations
Total Number of Coins: 184.47 billion QWC
Coin Decimals: 1/10000000 (0.00000001) QWC
Block Reward: Decrease by each block
Dev. Language: C++

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PNG format:
[Light Color]: https://cdn.qwertycoin.org/images/other/qwclogo-512x512.png

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Webpage: https://qwertycoin.org/
Github: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2881418
Whitepaper: https://github.com/Xecute0101/QWC-White-Paper/blob/master/QWC%20White%20Paper%20V1.0.pdf
News & Blog: https://qwertycoin.org/blog/category/news/
Block Expoloer: https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/
Mining Pool List: https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/#pools
Node Map: https://nodes.qwertycoin.org/
Faucet: https://faucet.qwertycoin.org/
Community Voting: https://voting.qwertycoin.org

Social Network:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qwertycoin_QWC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/422694361519282
Facebook Marketing: https://www.facebook.com/QWCMarketing
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/QWERTYCOIN
Telegram Community Channel: https://t.me/qwertycoin
Telegram Support Channel: https://t.me/qwc_support
Discord Community Channel: https://discord.gg/U5amwCs
Foundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/qwc_foundation

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1. Hashrate (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/hashrate/)
2. Difficulty (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/difficulty/)
3. Block Height (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/height/)
4. Block Reward (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/reward/)
5. Supply (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/supply/)
6. No, of Transactions (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/totaltx/)
7. Blockchain Size in bytes (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/q/chainsize/)

Tracking Service:
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1. CMC (https://www.coinmarketcap.com/currencies/qwertycoin)
2. Coingecko (https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/qwertycoin)
2. Coinlib (https://coinlib.io/coin/QWC/Qwertycoin)
3. LiveCoinWatch (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Qwertycoin-QWC)

