A New Release For XEL

XEL Project
2 min readOct 17, 2018


Alright guys. We have awesome news for you.

After weeks of work and priceless help from the community, we present to you the 3.1.3 lite wallet.

Nothing new regarding the core technology, but a massive rework of the project to get rid of obsolete scripts and stuff like that.

The real improvement is the release of multi-platform installers for Windows, macOS and Linux available here:


With them comes an auto-update functionality (when you start your wallet, it will check the git repository for a new version, and update your wallet if necessary).

There is also a docker-based installer for all XEL components available here:


This docker installers are better suited for server installations, you can also start and host your own block explorer!

Also the XEL Github was reorganized to get a clear structure and more clarity. We are really thankful for all the people that helped us getting that off the ground. Special thanks goes to ek for giving us the opportunity to push updates to this project.
If you experience any problems or bugs, please let us know.

Traveling Salesman Problem — Community Bounty!

The XEL community is growing! There is a community bounty and you have the chance to get 3000 XEL (~0.03BTC or ~$190 at the time of writing). For more information about the bounty, please vist the link: https://github.com/xel-community/traveling-salesman-problem

Just to be clear, we are not a XEL dev or representative, the whole community is!

Come and hang in Discord, Slack, Twitter, or Reddit and interact with everyone, there’s great people.

There’s a lot to do after that and more updates will come, we’re all counting on you for your help!

Join the community

Discord : https://discord.gg/e4m87M8
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1957064.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elastic_coin/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XEL/
Slack: https://elasticfans.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNDM5NjY0ODIzOTcyLWU2MWIwOGUxNTE5YTg5NzFkNTBiMzhmYzk2MDhmMjE3ODIyZTQyNmMyNzU3NWM5YWE5NDAxNjFmZTY0MmZhOTY

