XEL Monthly update — December 2018

XEL Project
2 min readDec 14, 2018


This past month, mid November to mid-December, has been a bit slower, but there are still several updates from the XEL community.



The team successfully restarted the testnet that was unused since the mainnet launch this past summer. Anyone can connect a Xeline client to the testnet. If you need any help, come reach the XEL team in our Discord!

Developer Tools

The team has reorganized the developer tools repo on GitHub: https://github.com/xel-community/xel-developers-tools

You can find the API documentation with examples, proof-of-concepts, and tools to develop in ePL.

Tech In Progress

  • The work on the new website is still on-going.
  • The team has had a few talks with XEL’s Lead dev to improve the teams’ ePL skills. The task is not easy but we are working on it to provide the best help to our end-users!
  • The team is discussing a few options to make the wallet more user-friendly. Similar discussions are taking place globally for the whole node/miner installation. We are always curious about your feedback: Which wallet do you use? What would you like to do with it?

Social Platforms and Marketing

XEL is finally on Delta Direct and currently being onboarded for Blockfolio Signal. It won’t be long until we are live!
The team has also started testing the MintFlint app (https://www.mintflint.com/index.html). We are glad to be able to collaborate with another promising crypto project.

Marketing In Progress

We are maintaining our efforts to finish the Elastic to XEL rebranding. You might have seen the changes on CoinMarketCap and Bittrex. We are still referenced as Elastic in some areas around the web. We’re working on it!


We are still in touch with several researchers in universities. The goal is to keep spreading the work about the project and maybe find a way to address some issues that they might have.

Get Involved

The team is always searching for help! (C coders, Web/JS/CSS Developers, writers, etc.)


Last month, the community discussed funding issues. We are still committed to find a proper way to find new funds in-order to grow this project even further. Several leads so far, but too soon to announce them. If you think you can help us in any way, please reach out to team.

We are also working on defining the path for XEL in the future. We are considering regarding both the technology and the philosophy.

Want to meet the team ? Join us in Discord : https://link.xel.org/discord

