Programmatic SEO

An efficient SEO approach for long-tail keywords.

Xenia Dorna
2 min readDec 14, 2022
Programmatic SEO
Programmatic SEO, Xenia Dorna

Programmatic SEO is the strategy of publishing unique, high-quality pages at scale using a template and a database or feed.

Amazon, Wayfair, Etsy, and other e-commerce stores use this strategy.

Low-volume keywords will become more competitive. No-code tools make it easier to implement programmatic SEO strategies. Leading to more competition.

Long-tail keywords have less traffic but high-intent visitors. 70% of transactional traffic is coming today from them.

Programmatic SEO unlocks this traffic. You no longer need to pick a handful of keywords, pay for written content, publish the post and hope it ranks for a cluster of terms. Now we can target entire categories and win all available searches in one template.

With programmatic SEO, businesses can:

  • Win keywords at scale.
  • Produce in-depth content quickly.

Disadvantages of programmatic SEO

As with any strategy, programmatic SEO also has its disadvantages, such as the following:

  • Indexing is difficult. take a crawl budget
  • High risk — poor execution can hurt site growth.
  • Cannibalization

Remember, if you’re trying to use programmatic SEO to trick Google or create People Also Ask (PAA) scraper sites, you’ll lose.

Steps for programmatic SEO implementation

  1. Target long-tail search, identify search opportunity

For eCommerce better remove keywords with generic context and/or informational intent, high % duplicate content

2. Building the content template and implementing best on-page practises

3. Connect to a database

4. Build a better internal link structure

5. Create a sitemap structure

6. Publish and get indexed

For e-commerce projects programmatic SEO can create Product Listing Pages (PLP), covering long tail semantic and user requests.
Make sure the pages are optimized for SEO:

No extended menu: simple menu for page speed optimization.
More relevant content in product containers: we’ll add the best semantic fit of product/ad descriptions, product/ad attributes or product reviews
Pagination, no infinite scroll.
Linking block: below pagination, to link catalogue pages to each other and improve crawling.

— Complying Core Web Vitals test

Programmatic SEO Tools



Xenia Dorna

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