5G + MEC + DLT : Use Case Discovery | XENIRO Thought Leadership Series Part 6

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8 min readMay 2, 2019

In the fifth part of XENIRO thought leadership series, we demonstrated the potential of “Blockchain (DLT) Velocity” processing IoT payment for billions of devices.

The Part 6 of this series is entitled “5G + MEC + DLT : Use case discovery” and we will be exploring a variety of use cases in the following domains:

  • IIoT — Supply Chain
  • Mixed Reality
  • Autonomous Vehicles / Drones
  • Smart City
  • Mobile Supermarket + Smart Home
  • Smart Manufacturing

IIoT Supply Chain :

The use case demonstrated depicts a supply chain scenario involving three parties:

(A) The primary producer

(B) The manufacturing subcontractor of the primary producer

(C) The logistics vendor

A smart contract is deployed between the primary producer (A) and its manufacturing partner (B). With this proposed solution, data is written onto the XENIRO SnapScale DLT that is synced through the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) distributed architecture. When the manufactured goods are ready for shipment, a new smart contract is initiated between the manufacturing partner (B) and the logistics vendor (C). Based on the agreed terms and conditions, the finished goods will be delivered to the primary producer (A) upon an agreed date. Payments are then processed on the SnapScale DLT through nearby MEC.

In the example above, the primary producer (A) will create smart contracts of all the critical stakeholders in its value chain. This could include the identities of who will be part of the SnapScale DLT and can participate in a production, shipping, customs clearance, warehousing scheduling and so on. These sets of identities are granted access to read and modify for a complete end-to-end IIoT supply chain service.

Mixed Reality :

The market for Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR) is growing at a rapid pace, many educational institutions are starting to integrate VR in the classrooms and the public may want this service in their homes. Incorporating immersive education deepens learning experience and expands the reach to the higher population, which represents a colossal market-driven opportunity. The below example demonstrates a scenario where a museum creates a decentralized VR / AR application on the XENIRO SnapScale DLT where: (A) VR-to-Home (B) VR-to-School (C) Museum.

The museum deploys a smart contract with multiple (A) Homes (B) Schools globally or locally to create a VR excursion of their museum streamed directed to their homes or classrooms. This makes the cost of learning more economical and complementary in adopting VR technology. Transactions between the VR-to-Home or VR-to-School can take place directly on the SnapScale DLT through an automated smart contract. The VR contents will be processed instantly via the DApp on the MEC, with reduced latency through 5G, for an enhanced Quality of Service and experience that weren’t feasible before. This use case could potentially be extended to VR in Entertainment, Industrial, Corporate or even Medical training with groundbreaking DApps, integrating tactile Internet & MEC openness for an immersive experience. This enables the provision of a real P2P valued service at scale with an application- centric business model.

Autonomous Vehicles / Drones :

The market for EVs has been growing steadily over the last decade, and the prospects are good for stronger growth in the fields of light-duty consumer vehicle / commercial vehicle / drone electrification. One of the global drivers is the renewed appetite at all levels of government for clean energy. Thus, the market requires an available charging infrastructure that is fast and convenient. The EV charging ecosystem is very complex, and most projects need strong partnerships between both public and private stakeholders to deploy necessary infrastructure. Critical stakeholder groups in the EV charging market include electric utilities, equipment, software and services vendors, MNOs, governments and non-governmental organizations.

With such complexities, XENIRO SnapScale DLT could automate transactions on the ledger between stakeholders as depleted in (A) Between power plant utility providers (B) Vehicle to EV charging station (C) Drone to EV charging station through smart contracts and micro / nano-transactions. Whether it is B2B or B2B2C, each level of transaction is simplified by automation through the MEC, serving low-latency and high-bandwidth requirements. All data and transactions are safely stored on the decentralized SnapScale DLT, with MNOs infrastructure at the center in processing these transactions.

Smart City :

A use case associated with smart city is the implementation of public safety system with the use of Smart Mobile Cameras to regulate the growing popularity of public drones. In this particular instance, the airport surrounding space is segregated into two zones. In zone 2, you have autonomous mobile vehicles equipped with cameras that detect any illegal activities. If drones are in violation within no fly zone 2, the autonomous mobile vehicle will trigger a real-time traffic violation ticket in the form of smart contracts through authentication of drone ID. With this spot fine, it will automatically deduct the fine directly from the drone’s digital wallet, processed through XENIRO’s SnapScale DLT via the mobile operators’ MECs. This use case is fully scalable across fortified public spaces and reduces the cost of processing ever growing drone violations. If however, the drone ignores the ticket violation and proceeds towards the more sensitive areas in zone 1, the drones will be permanently neutralized / destroyed and owner arrested for air space violation.

Instead of having the digital pictures of the drone violation being uploaded as evidence & stored all the way back into the cloud data centers (single point of failure). This can be stored through the nearby operators’ MEC (with compute, storage & networking) capabilities that are fully distributed and orchestrated, creating monetization opportunities in displacing web scale cloud players.

Mobile Supermarket + Smart Home :

A household can program smart fridges to order groceries when running low. Let’s assume that Carrefour supermarket is the selected partner with a specific smart fridge brand. In this case, the smart fridge would trigger a smart contract that is linked directed to the supermarket, smart contracts are executed and payments processed via SnapScale DLT through a nearby MEC. The supermarket will initiate and direct their autonomous mobile supermarket bots to deliver groceries to the household at a specific time.

Smart Manufacturing :

The norm is that manufacturers are now adopting robotics to their assembly plant. If each bot is assigned an ID that is tied to a digital wallet running on the blockchain, they become fully self-governing and able to process multiple services. As depicted in the diagram, they would able to perform functions such as :

(1) Electricity optimized through automated P2P negotiations with nearby robotics, based on scheduled hours of low electricity demand.

(2) Maintenance from robotics manufacturers that perform regular servicing and safety checks (smart contracts can be deployed directly with the robotics manufacturers at regular intervals). Equipped with a digital wallet, payments can be processed through the SnapScale DLT.

(3) Based on Telematics, if a certain part of the robotic structure needs part replacement, a smart contract can be initiated and the specific bot in question can process payments with the manufacturer.

(4) The individual bots can pay Taxation directly to the tax bureau based on the number of hours the robots are in operations for that specific year on the SnapScale DLT

(5) Insurance for the robotics (Pay-As-You-Operate) PAYO based on the number of hours operated on the SnapScale DLT and not a yearly lump sum.

(6) Operational data that are not sensitive can be listed by enterprises on a data mall, where it can be sold to analytics firm for analysis and development through smart contracts. Their digital wallets can accumulate payment transactions received from analytics firms.

Equipped with this capability, the manufacturing enterprise can offset yearly depreciation on the balance sheet, now that the robotics automate accumulated credit and debit transactions through their digital wallets. This will have positive income statement impacts for the enterprise. With the creation of a common shared ledger, that automates with smart rules in deploying dynamic contracts, and ledger entries, SnapScale DLT is deemed to unlock the full potential for industry 4.0.

As the industry migrates toward 5G evolution, this technology possesses the potential to kick-off the next era of industrialization. Hyperconnected 5G world has just arrived, and we are on the brink of the next evolution in connectivity. The potentials are virtually unlimited, interconnecting a plethora network of smart machines & devices across industries. MEC, on the other hand, is a crucial building block for the vision of 5G networks. 5G and MECs create such a powerful combination that essentially becomes a new network on its own, connected through SnapScale DLT running on XENIRO xGRID. As demonstrated through the various use cases in this paper, services inspired by SnapScale DLT have the potential to disrupt in multi-dimensions. MECs will no longer be labeled as a cost center, but a profit center, acting as a bank in processing billions of IoT device transactions on the SnapScale DLT.

Stay tuned for Part 7, welcome to visit us @ xeniro.io




XENIRO is building a solution leveraging Mobile Network Operators’ 5G + Multi Access Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure to create a trusted Distributed Ledger