5G + MEC + DLT : xGRID Unleashed | XENIRO Thought Leadership Series Part 4

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5 min readApr 4, 2019

In the 3rd part of XENIRO Thought Leadership Series, we demonstrated how 5G + Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) + Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT or Blockchain) gives MNOs the ability to capture a share of the revenue pool from cloud providers and 3rd party payment processing entities.

In Part 4 of this series “xGRID unleashed” we will examine this architecture proposed by XENIRO through the deployment of a DLT platform at the edge of the 5G network, by exhibiting:

  • The capability of this xGRID network infrastructure combining 5G + MEC + DLT
  • xGRID complementing federated network slicing

Figure A: The core benefits of deploying MEC at the edge is that components (compute, storage & networking) through 5G (low latency, high bandwidth — with device proximity) do not require traffic routing through the backhaul or a centralized core network. This allows for improved performance and reduced operating costs. In essence, this environment is ideal for deploying XENIROs SnapScale DLT.

Figure B: MECs can be deployed as standalone or become a combined cluster of MECs (depending on resources or use case requirements at the edge) that are interconnected through XENIRO SnapScale DLT. With this setup, MECs can interact and communicate on a local, cross-regional or global level on the SnapScale DLT. This can be deployed with various flexible options:

(a) Openstack (NFVi layer) where SnapScale DLT algorithm becomes a Virtual Network Function in the NFV architecture

(b) Virtual Machine

(c) Bare-metal with XENIRO Automation platform (Microservice architecture with Orchestration capabilities that is fully optimized for SnapScale DLT)

These MECs ultimately become validation nodes (Block Producers) that process & execute IoT transactions on the SnapScale DLT.

This is the envisioned network with virtualized enabled MECs that are connected through SnapScale DLT. As more mobile operators join the network, it expands and becomes a large singular global cluster (Privacy between operators can be achieved with transaction that can be securely masked on the SnapScale DLT through Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) encryption). With operator partnerships through cross-border federated framework, MECs are transformed into a network of scalable clusters, making up the “xGRID” federated architecture. This may eventually constitute the world’s largest distributed network, enabling partnerships and monetization opportunities that are transparent, trusted and secure.

The beauty of the 5G network is its ability to flexibly execute multiple services through super high-frequency spectrum, catering for a wide range of industry performance requirements. A capable single physical network, that provides services through separation of segregated layers via a customized logical network — composed of multiple Network Slices (NS) sharing a common physical infrastructure. We define a network slice as a processing path containing all the networking functions needed to deliver a service. Network slicing enables service collaboration cross network domains, cross operators and cross industries.

In this use case, assume an autonomous taxi company (based in the US) has signed up with a multimedia advertising company (based in Asia) for providing advertising services within the in-car system. Both companies are located on different continents. There is an open slot for a five minutes advertising campaign. The media advertising company will initiate a smart contract through the MEC with the taxi company once the payment is validated on the XENIRO SnapScale DLT through the xGRID architecture. The service will then be streamed through the local MEC with 5G connectivity that runs all the way, deep inside the Asian operators virtualized core network (NFV) applying specific federated network slices with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). This service will also be delivered through the counter-party operator’s 5G and MEC infrastructure on the other continent (US) and directly onto the system panel of the autonomous vehicle.

This NS will be made available on both operators’ platforms, preferably with servers hosted on each other’s data centers, specifically for enterprises that want to maintain all network services across different operator footprints, which often requires inter-operator agreements. The key business value through NS is that it enables global service offering for a multitude of industries and provides an opportunity for MNOs to address various use cases while achieving economies of scale through NS. This is highly relevant as it exemplifies seamless service experience and control that is fully complementary (NFV + SnapScale DLT on xGRID), while simplifying the enterprise and operator partnership.

Stay tuned for Part 5, welcome to visit us @ xeniro.io




XENIRO is building a solution leveraging Mobile Network Operators’ 5G + Multi Access Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure to create a trusted Distributed Ledger